
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Shitty day so far. My pocket ducks flop a full house (JJJ) but AQ rivers a Queen. I should have raised the flop harder and then gone into C/F mode if called. It sucks to have read villain right but not make the correct play. Although, I must admit that I was scared of a higher PP.

Finally get AA but only in EP, limp looking to reraise. Nope. QTx flop, guy bets, I raise. HU turn, I bet pot, guy folds. Beats winning the blinds but still only a pittance.

Table is too tight.

KJo EP. 3 Flush AT9. I have the draw for the nut flush draw. Bet flop, C/C turn (King), river makes 4 flush with the 8. I half pot, villain raise to full and I only call. Bad. I need to push that, or at least reraise. I was thinking to myself: "What if he has the straight flush? I might lose!" Weak as piss.

BB limped TT: Got a rare flop of undercards. Bet pot on flop, 2 callers. Turn is another undercard, bet pot, 1 caller. Undercards are bunching into a str8, uh oh. River is a Jack, I don't have much left if I bet pot so I decided to push. Calling station folded.

UTG+2 KK: Limp looking to reraise, don't get the oppotunity. Flop is KJ8r, top freaking set baby! I bet pot on flop. Turn is a Jack. Full house! I put as much in as I think villains will call and they do. River is a blank and I push. One villain lets his clock run but neither end up calling.

ATo: Flop TPTK, have to call $1 to continue. I fold?! Turn is an Ace. I could have destacked the SS and KK too (assuming he can't get away).

EP QQ: I raise to $3.75, I hate seeing flops with QQ and I figure if I get no callers then fine. Someone pushes for nearly 100bb, SS pushes behind. Back to me. I'll call SS any time. I call. 100bb shows KK and I crack a wry smile. Someone loves me, though, because the board makes a str8 and it's a 3 way split. Lucky lucky!

Arg, just lost set (TT) over set (44). Only against a SS though. Still a fair chunk. Shit happens.

Very aggressive that session, but then I had the cards to justify it. After I lost with my set and the table went short handed, I lost ATs 3 handed to J9 or something. I can't play short handed.

BT Q4s: Consider limping but end up folding. Would have flopped two pair and improved to a full house. Of course :)

Limped KTs: KQ8r. SS bets $1. I fold my TPGK. If I had two pair I'd have raised him all-in.

Just timed out and folded something preflop. Hope it wasn't anything good...Folded something else? WTH. May need to quit/find a new table, I think my concentration is wandering.

Call with 95s out of the blinds. Oops, I must have misclicked call any. TT9. Two SS go all-in. I should have called, winner had 78o and paired his Seven. Other one had 62o.

BT raise and I'm holding AJo. Looks like a steal and he's SS so I reraise him all-in. He has AKo. Uh oh. Board pairs twice and only our Aces play. Rake wins but I get another lucky let off.

4 hrs of BEP. Balls. Just looked through my HH. Not a great amount of losses there. Could have extracted more from KK, maybe, by not of pushing the river. Should have pushed the river with nut flush. Lost $10 set over set but shit happens. Lost a little bit each time with my two lucky dodges.