
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Another table broken. Shame since there's some really awful players here who have me covered. Last hand I played before I left was AKo out of the SB. Flop was all hearts, turn was the King of hearts. Nothing but TPTK on a 4 flush board in a tiny pot, such an easy fold.

First hand at new table, 43s. Call a minraise preflop and hit an OESD. Call $1 flop bet and checked down. PFR shows AJs, I win by pairing my 3 on the river. He could have taken that on the turn or the river.

I crack Aces with a set of 5s (improved to full house, actually). Woot, doubled and then some. I got AA's stack but JJ was in there too. Lots of money went in the flop but JJ layed it down. Can't remember what the other guy had (all-in glitch shows everyones hand), maybe two pair or something. I checked flop, AA bet 5bb (roughly pot), JJ & other called. I raised to 10bb, AA reraised to 15bb (?), JJ & other called. I stopped screwing around and raised to 40bb, AA called, JJ & other folded. I think there's a case for raising to 30bb to try and get the other two to come along. Then again, do I really want to have a huge multiway pot with my set OOP on the turn?

Glad I played that hard on the flop since it meant I had to push any turn, including one that completed the flush. I wouldn't have liked to have done that in a multiway pot. HU is fine. Turn was a Queen. Another argument for getting this HU after the flop is I don't want someone else drawing a higher set than me. Also I think I remember what 'other' had: 58s, which would have given him a higher full house on the river. Yet another argument for getting this HU after the flop. The only hand I would have been behind to would have been 88.

Cracking aces is good for the BR. Funny thing is, AA lost to a set of Jacks a few hands later. AA only won 1 out of the 3 times I saw it at that table.