
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Sound of a suckout

SS goes all-in with KJ on a King high flop. I call with AKo and he rivers a Jack. He then leaves. I'll look you up down the line, buddy. 73.5% of that pot was mine.

AQ, call a PFR from LP. Flop is AKQ. I fold on the turn thinking my two pair is pretty obviously behind. Stupidly I called PSB on the flop. I should put him all-in or fold. But no, villain shows ATo and wins! Grr. TPGK and a gutshot, big whoop. Looking him up if he sticks around.

AA, raise $2 from the BB. No callers.

QQ, limp UTG looking to reraise. Limped around. Grr. Flop is Jack high. PSB flop, 1 caller. Turn a Ten, caller is SS so I put him all-in. He folds. Maybe I lost value but, OTOH, I didn't give him an oppotunity to outdraw me.

This table is unbelievably fishy. Cool, just need to keep making +EV plays, and not fold the winning hand...

Another AA vs. KK. Neither improved.

There's a bug that seems to show everyones hand in all-in situations. Quite interesting. Also makes me think I should do some packet sniffing just in case they are dumb enough to be sending me everyone elses cards before showdown.

Table died and while I was able to bust some SS with TT preflop (he pushed with Q8o or something) I still finished -$4. Then site died for me. Fine with slight loss, only one 'mistake' and that was with AQ. Calling was indecisive. He either had AK, JT, AQ, or Ax. Without a read I credit the PFR with AKo and do not continue. With a read, I raise him hard.