
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Straight Flush

Wow, got my first ever straight flush, 9 high holding K5s. I was hoping someone had the Ace high flush on the river. Unfortuately, no, so I didn't get my push called. If I'd have lost with the ignorant end of the straight flush that would have been brutal. What I wanted in there was opponents with: An Ace high flush, a Queen high flush, a full house, & quads.

LP A2s: Wow, I'd have won this had I stayed until SD since neither showed an Ace (two on the board). Unreal.

BB KK: Reraise guy so hard it makes him hurt. Open push undercard flop. I really want him to call this but he doesn't.

SB KTo: Hit TP2K, fold on flop. Winner (villain from KK hand) shows T9o. Should have taken it to the felt.

BB JJ: Raised to $1.50, one caller. I reraise to $7.75 since I don't want to see a flop. Initial raiser calls. And I know I'm against a bigger pair. If he'd have reraised me I would have had to have folded. FPS broke him, though. Flop was Jack high :))) He checks to me, I push, he insta-calls. Villain flips AA, I show my set. Villain doesn't improve and I take his stack. He leaves. If I'd missed, I'd have checked behind on the flop. If I'd missed the turn too and he found a decent bet, I'd have had to folded. If I was villain I'd have pushed preflop.

Newbie blind AKo: New table, just sat down, first hand. SS pushes in front of me. If I call, I run the risk of others calling, and I really don't want that. I push 100bb since I want this HU. Medium stack (60bb or so) calls. Thankfully no one else does. SS had T3s or some junk, medi had AJo. I hit a King and it's all over.

2hrs, +2 buy-ins. Break time.

Eyeing 50NL. Another +4/5 buy-ins and I'll give it another shot. Another 12 buy-ins and I'm BR'ed for it anyway. For what I've seen so far, it's a little tighter and rewards 'optimal' TAG play a bit better.