
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



"If it weren't for luck I'd win every one", says Hellmuth. A few things that bother me about that quote.

  1. If there's no luck involved, you're not playing poker. So that statement makes absolutely no sense at all.
  2. He's implying that he plays perfectly according to the fundamental theroem of poker 100% of the time. Sorry, but no one does that without a marked deck. What's worse is he's assuming that he can read world class opponents perfectly 100% of the time. That's beyond arrogant in my opinion.

Hmm, I like lists.

  1. A2o newbie blind: Flop a gutshot, call to see turn. Fold turn.
  2. Red 66 UTG: Call PFR, miss flop.
  3. AQo SB: PFR, miss flop. 0.5PSB flop, 3 callers? Have to fold Ace high on the river.
  4. KQo LP: TP2K, bet pot get 3x raised. Grr. Maybe a set, maybe two pair. Probably just a LAG. Fold anyway.
  5. AJo CO: Limp, C/F flop. Winner shows slowplayed AA. Sneaky!

Down $12.50 already. Steaming. If I make a hand now, I think I'm going to overplay it. Probably to my detriment. Need to rebuy or quit. Rebuy for $13.75, you LAGy pricks are going down. Actually, screw that I'll find a better table.

  1. 75s BB: I like this table already, plenty of raising preflop and 5 people calling. AQo destacks two people with two pair. NH, sir.
  2. Two people all-in preflop. One shows 88 the other AKo. Kournikova wins. Maybe I'll be able to push AA/KK preflop with a full buy-in?
  3. Table tightening...cards dead...Argh.
  4. KK MP3: 3bb raise before me. I make it 10bb. He calls. Flop is 88x. He bets $1. I push (!?). He calls. Shows J8s. fahfkafa.

So I'm out again at 50NL with a big pair. Since he called $5 preflop how the fucking fuck should I put him on an 8 there? Once again I put my stack in when I'm behind. Fuck that, push it preflop. Every. Goddamn. Time.

I mean, I recognise implied odds and calling $5 with a PP is just about acceptable but with T8o & J8s? Give me a fucking break.

Seriously, if people are going to call junk into my PFR that telegraph AA/KK I'm pushing preflop everytime. If they want to gamble then fine.

I need to frag something.