
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Thought I was going to be well enough to go in today. I'm not, what a shame. Actually, in all honesty I still feel like shit but there was a time when I would have soldiered on. I just don't think it's worth it anymore. (9hrs sick pay for industrial accident that put me out of work for 8 days and is still affecting me. Jah bitter.)

Will have to watch 24 premiere tonight. Elisha is supposed to be back after her Hollywood sojourn. Good, maybe after 24 finishes she can start getting naked? Hopefully it doesn't get ridiculous this season (like 3 & 4). 2 more hours broadcast tonight.

  1. MP KJs: Limped in, TP2K 2 spades and I'm holding 2 diamonds. Small bet, I raise to full pot. 1 caller. Turn is the Ace of diamonds. Checked to me, I half-pot, called. River completed the flush with King of spades. Villain wakes up and bets about half-pot. Here we go, outdrawn by a flush. Do I have to pay this? Grittingly I call. Villain shows J6o, MHIG. I don't think he had paired his six, either.
  2. New table, that one died. Argh, so did that one. /cycle I don't want a SS on my left. Grr. Two people just left. Fuck it, I'll play this orbit. Filled up, yay.
  3. MP red AKo: QT flop, call flop, fold turn.
  4. EP TT: All heart flop AJ7, turn is another Ace. Fold. Villan shows 7x which is 2nd bottom pair. I think river put 4 to a flush out too. Mental note.
  5. BB KTs: Flop nut flush draw, half-pot. Made the mistake of checking the turn. I need to price my draw 1/4 pot say. He's not checking behind and letting me river him for free.
  6. MP A6s: Call minraise and minbets on flop and turn.
  7. BB QJo: Call minraise, miss flop.
  8. BT K4s: Limp, no one likes the flush draw flop except the SS. Damnit.
  9. BB A7s: AK8 flop. Whoopee.
  10. I seriously need a hand worthy of raising preflop otherwise all I'm winning is the blinds when I do hold a monster. We'll see what the BT/CO brings.
  11. UTG 55: Q99 flop. Super.
  12. SB & BT JQo: Win SB w/o SD in a blind battle. Win BT checked down at SD.
  13. EP AQo & AJo: Pick up some smallish pots on the flop with these two. Grind, table is a bit too tight. Time to look for fish.
  14. MP AKs: Pick up dead money preflop. Yes, this table is too tight. Not a bad result with AKs, though.

New table and I think I've found a fish with a deep stack...F-me he just left

  1. BB QTo: Flop Broadway, bust a SS. Wish he wasn't so SS. If only the big fish had stuck around for that hand.
  2. CO A3s: Call minraise, flops all red and my cards are all black.
  3. SB KJo: Price draw on flop, hit Broadway on turn. Villain folded. C'est la vie.
  4. MP3 AJs: 6bb raise. Loads of callers. Overcards, think about firing at blank flop but fold. Villain shows KK. I got away cheap. Notes on villain.
  5. BT KJo: Call minraise preflop and two minbets. Spewing? I think I need to tighten up a little with KK villain around. I think I spot a deep stacked fish (DSF?), it's the villain of this hand.
  6. BB A7s: Call minraise preflop, bet $1 on my flush draw. Didn't make it on the turn so fold. Nice family pot.
  7. BT A5s: Limp/Fold. Seem to be playing a lot of suited Aces today. Meh. Two people have me covered, someone else is pretty even. One of the guys that covers me is a little loose.
  8. MP AKo: TPTK, could have gotten more on turn and river. Flop was AQ so I was worried about two pair.
  9. EP AJo: Lose TP3K to T9 two pair. Ha.
  10. UTG KK: Limp looking to reraise hard. No action preflop. Flop is all clubs (yuck). I have Kc. Pot it and get ready to fold. All folds. That time I'm thankful for a small pot.
  11. SB red 99s: 2/3 pot flop with my overpair. Fish calls. Turn is an Ace. Ow. Interestingly the villain who had me covered who I thought was good managed to lose most of his stack while the villain I consider quite bad has doubled up. I'm only +$10 (was +$15, grr).
  12. omg, bad villain picked up KK when the board made a full house (7's full of Queens). Two people playing the board against him. He loses to a single Queen. I need some cards, dealer. Good villain is either tilty or not as good as I thought. Loses to a backdoor flush, probably with AK top two. FUCKING CARDS. Ahem. We're short handed so my standards have dropped but they haven't dropped to 52o. T6o?
  13. UTG TJo: Callable shorthanded but not really.
  14. BT 44: Call, AA7 flop. Pot it folds.
  15. EP AJs: Raise preflop, King high flop, 2/3 pot. Turn is Ace of clubs for the club flush. I fire again (probably looks weak). Turn pairs the board. Check, he well overbets pot. No way I can call with TP3K. Cunt. Now I'm back to about my buy-in. New dealer, new deck. This is why I want my debit card.

Ball busting slightly profitable session.