
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



  1. BB KQo: Just lost TP2K to 42s when it made a full house. I was confident I had the bettor beat, had no idea what the other guy was calling with.
  2. Card death continues. Table coach is berating KK for calling him down when he had A7, two pair Aces and Jacks. Table coach not only raised his A7 preflop, he called a large reraise with it. I <3 table coaches.
  3. BB black 88: New table. Limp in, fold out.
  4. SB Q2s: For $0.13, where's the harm? No flush or trip Twos, easy fold.
  5. CO A8s: Flop trip Aces. That's bad news. Worse news is, backdoor flush so I could only check behind on the river (no c/r for you!). He showed King high, MHWG.
  6. UTG KJo: Fold to deep stack LP raise. I'd have made Broadway on a 4 flush board. PFR folded river anyway.
  7. SB QTs: Fold to minraise. No showdowns since my trip aces.
  8. BT QTs: Same again, raise is larger though.
  9. Two short stacks on my left are pissing me off with steals. Need to bust one.
  10. LP 99: Got a hand that will bust one of the buggers. Furthest one to my left does his typical steal raise, a few people call (grr, that's not how to do it), and I reraise him all-in (actually, yet again I failed). He got the idea and went in. Others fold (good). If any had called before it got back to me I have to push over them or fold. 99 isn't that great of a hand :) People got the idea and he went all-in HU against me. 99 wins. I <3 my +5% vs AKo.
  11. BT JJ: Win dead money. My table image had to be awesome after that bust. So I couldn't really expect calls. Tried finding another table but it crashed. Quit.