
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Backing down

Back to 25NL for now. It continues, flop Broadway with AQo. Bet pot on flop and turn. River is Queen of Hearts. Guy goes all-in for the rest of his chips. We've both put 2/5 of our stacks in. At best I'm splitting with a A-rag, at worst he hung around with a flush draw. Shows Ah4h. Fucking scumbag. What's worse is that I paid him off. In retrospect, I should have pushed the turn and see if he really wanted to gamble. I hate paying him off there but equally I think folding to his push is just as bad. I flopped the 3rd nuts and got out drawn by the second nuts. If he had AhTh then his play was fine. Next time there's a flush draw and one card to go, I'm making sure he puts his money in when he's behind. Especially since I can't fold the river.

Ugh, I'm losing the will to live. KQo, TP2K. C/C the river and lose to another bastard flush. You fucks will get yours, this I foresee. Oh look, J8s. Why don't I call a huge PFR! Or better yet, raise preflop! Think of my implied odds! (As it happens I would have won a small pot with a flush. Doh.)

First hand KK busts two people. Doubled up and a little bit more. That's the way to do it. Put SS all-in preflop. Push the flop. Someone else came along for the ride but I'm not complaining. When I saw the Queen on the flop I thought "Oh, here we go..."

AA wins the blinds + limper. Should I have gotten cute? No. Does show I should raise more preflop, though.

Cracking Aces.

Two of the people are kind of regulars that I know. Made notes on the third. Watching the chatbox is +EV. AJs, 0.5PSB my gutshot. Folds on the flop. FE in action. AQo UTG+2, board is all clubs but I hit TPTK and have the Ace of clubs :o Bet pot, get folds. Good good, didn't really want action but if called and I get a 4th club it would be push time. AQo again, overcards on a paired board. River is a King. Fold. AJs, overcall with a gutshot, fold turn. Implied odds were almost there, though, so only a small mistake.

New table time.

  1. CO TT: PFR because I need to raise more if I want people to call when I raise with better hands. Nice rainbow flop, 9-high, HU. Checked to me, I pot it, C/R all-in. Hmmm. Hmmm. Reluctantly I fold. Two pair, a set, or air. I beat one of those and I can think of better places to push. If I had QQ+ I probably would have gone broke. That was close.
  2. 22: Call PFR, C/F.

Found a new table, pretty awful. Set miner is to my left. Be gone.

  1. UTG KK: Limp pray for a raise. Get 2. Put the LP raiser all-in (well, I tried to but missed by about $2). Two Queens on the flop, board plays out and I win. Shit myself thinking he hit quads for a second, though. Logically, 2 Queens on the board makes the likelyhood of him holding Hiltons tiny. If he's not a complete idiot, he had JJ. Set miner said he folded TT preflop. Shame, I would have liked his money too.
  2. Table's dying. Trying to get set miner to reveal what he went all-in with earlier.
  3. QQ LP: AJx on the flop. Call a small flop bet. He bets 2/3 pot on the blank turn. Worst case scenario he has a strong to good Ace. That fits because he minraised preflop (?!) and I reraised to 12bb. Reluctantly I fold. Grr, lost 16bb.
  4. Set miner takes money off of QQ villain with a set of Twos. Good. QQ villain then hits trips and wins a medium pot. Bad. Why, yes, I am vindictive.

New table.

  1. UTG AKs: End up losing a tiny pot to quad Fours. Oh well.
  2. LP KJo: TP2K, possibility of a str8. Reraise to full pot on flop. PFR folds, as does the other caller. Good.
  3. LP AJs: Wow, what a hand. Huge family pot, I was planning to fold on the flop but everyone was calling so I was getting almost immediate pot odds on a gutshot. Unreal. AK would have taken this down with TPTK. K9 won the main pot, Tx the side pot. Both pots were nearly $30. Amazing.
  4. LP TT: Bet pot + dead money on the 862r flop. Don't have much left so push turn (another 2). Villain shows J8s. Ha! J8s loses to a premium hand, who'd have thunk it.
  5. LP KK: Get it all-in against QQ on the turn. Guy loses the last of his money to AA. Poor SOB.

Good day at 25NL on the whole. Losing hands: TT (C/R and I fold), KQo, AQo (flop Broadway, villain rivers flush). At 50NL: KK (vs. J8s), KQo (vs. QJ two pair, maybe?), AQo (Ace high lost). 4h 40m +$46. Not great but not bad. Actually won more than that gross since I dropped 1 buy-in straight away with Broadway vs. rivered flush. So I'm about back where I started before I dropped a 50NL buy-in and a 25NL buy-in. I'm sticking to 25NL for a little while longer.