
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



These stream of consciousness posts aren't of any interest to anyone really. They're sort of theraputic to write, though, so for the moment they'll continue. Sorry.

Need to shave since my hair is getting out of hand. Been wearing a hat during the day and when I take it off in the evening there's just an explosion of hair (almost as bad as Book in Firefly).

Still no debit card, which sucks. In fact, it's getting worrying now because the one I have is going to expire at the end of the month. Of course, I can't phone the bank to resolve this issue since I donked up the security questions last time. I may try anyway.

Not many tables open at this time of day. Joined a few waiting lists. I don't have many notes on 50NL players yet.

Still haven't set up vmware box. The reason I need a dedicated box for it is because I use archck (basically CK patchset + reiser4) which vmware doesn't like. If I can get away with just using wine, then good but I doubt it. Also, I'm not sure what level of performance the old hardware will manage, especially when it's then X-forwarded. Not really an issue until I get new debit card and build BR.

First flop: TsJdQd, I limped Ad2c from the BB. Two people go at it. Flop broadway much? Why someone would have limped AK I don't know. I mean, I do it as part of counterplay but I'm not sure if it's optimal. I was hoping that it would have been checked around and I could see a Kd on the turn, and a Td on the river :)

QTs UTG+1, hopefully limped. Nope, fold to a button raise. Two diamonds on the flop but the flush doesn't come in. Good fold, I was drawing dead. Winner shows AdKd. Try and limp QJo UTG. Bad play. Fold to raise, QsJs on the flop. Fahh. KQo split the pot two ways. Complete the SB with Q9s, BB raises hard. God, I hope he did have AA/KK and killed his action. He sat out shortly after so maybe he did.

Argentinachicas. That's why I want to go to Argentina. I also hadn't checked out formergirlfriends in a while. 5+ galleries that I hadn't seen. Why, yes, I am perverted :)

Meanwhile, at the poker table...-$3.25 having done nothing but limp a few hands and pay the blinds. Any c-bets I make should have great folding equity but I doubt people are paying attention. Check J9s from the BB, miss flop. 43o SB, should I complete? Yea, probably but not against a PFR. Set of 3's just doubles someone up. NH! Give me some cards, dealer, god. -$4. Table's dead, play out the orbit. A7s, paired flop. Call to see turn, not a club. Checked through. I hit a 1 card straight on the river with my 7. $2 bet for value, both call. I win. AJo UTG, damn, wanted to get away without playing another hand. Flop is 234, two diamonds. Easy C/F.

Break +$5. Hope for a better table and better cards afterwards.