
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Risk of Ruin

What a scummy day...! Ran out of gas so no central heating/hot water for the night. I should have stock but it wasn't delivered over the holidays. 2 men out at work means chumps who show up have to work harder. To be fair, one's in hospital with some sort of gastro problem. The other is holidaying in France but has been answering his mobile. Could be worse.

Uh oh, 22 in the newbie blind. Hit bottom set. Lost to top set. Wow. Apparently having the chatbox open is +EV since he identified his hand before I pushed (apparently). I wonder if the other guy had middle set. Glad this happened at 50NL when I'm taking a shot, jesus.

Anyway, previous to that hand I had deposited $100 as my 50NL roll. I blew through half of it on my first hand with set over set (over set, probably). Online poker is rigged :) I have to question my play, though. That's a pretty dry flop. High card Eight. Rainbow. Slight straight draw. What's calling me here, really? Overpairs JJ+. The other two sets.

Need to get something off my chest: FUCKFUCKFUCK.

Okay, I'm tilting. Push pushed (60BB) preflop with AA after checking down 88 (overpair) on a 55x flop. Okay, maybe, maybe, someone calls who thinks I'm tilting there. Too right, I am tilting. I just lost 2/3rd of my 50NL roll playing piss poor poker. Need to switch off emotions. God knows what I just lost pissing AA away like that.