
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Challenge, Day 2

The Ultraviolet trailer looks great. Hopefully better than RE2 and Equilibrium. At least Milla looks attractive in UV, she looked quite haggard in RE2. Equilibirum was okay in a very B-movie kind of way.

50NL today, $69 roll. Just folded 94o in the SB, 2 Nines on the flop. KK on the button, 6bb raise, one caller. Pot Queen high flop, guy folds. Doubling up may take a long time with these cards I'm getting. May have to start bluffing more. Limp QJo but 6bb raise behind me. Would have flopped an OESD. 99 in the BB, call a min raise. Jack high flop but I pussy out. 99 again. Miss again. Not doing too well, down about $6. Might be time to find a new table. UTG+1 KJs, call 5bb raise, check/fold missed flop. PFR showed TT. /quit -$10.

So what went wrong there? 1) I didn't hit any flops 2) I didn't buy any pots.

New table, someone gets rockets with me in my newbie blind. I only lose the 1bb I called preflop with KQo. ATo UTG, just say no! 77 SB, complete, check/fold missed flop. River's a Seven. A9s on the button, limp, call turn minbet. TT, 3bb raise. Flop KK4r, shorty goes all-in. Grrr. QJs MP1. Mid pair but no flush/str8 draw, easy fold. Down $5 already. Two people deep stacked with $150 & $220. Blinds are coming. Wow, deepstack just went all-in with bottom set against a set of aces. Blinds are coming again. Jesus, new dealer. SB K7s, would be worth completing but not calling a PFR. BB AA, I go broke against T8o. Hey buddy, I like your preflop call! I like you calling PSB on the flop with a gutshot! Things I don't like about my play: PFR was 3bb coming out of the BB so he only had to call 3bb after he'd limped 1bb. I think I should have made it more and taken it down preflop. I pot the flop, but there's a str8 draw so I think I should have open pushed. I should have definitely folded the turn.

BSG was frakking brilliant. I'm not sure what's up with Apollo. Gina/Baltar relationship is interesting. I thought Gina was going to die at the end of the episode. Oh well, the conflict between Six and Gina should make for interesting future episodes. Kain: "Frak you!" Gina: "Sorry, you're not my type."

Back to 25NL. AQo in newbie blind, raise, pot flop, win. AQo UTG, limp and fold to Button raise. Wow, the quality of play here is just amazing. ATo vs K9o HU all-in, ATo wins with high card Ace. Limp AJo, flop broadway. Minbet, get PS raised (yay!), in a quandry of what to do. There's a heart draw so I really don't want to see a heart turn or a paired board. Went all-in, uncalled. Oh man, if I'd called those LAGgy pfr with KQo, I'd have taken a huge pot. Flop was KQx, turn K. Goddamnit. Who the hell calls 1/3rd of your stack preflop with KQo, though? QQ, time to get paid. Bah, too much preflop. It was the decent LAG raising too otherwise I would have gotten paid there. If only the maniac had called. JJ, end up all in preflop. There's a King and a Jack on the flop. Think I got lucky against the other guys all-in. Maniac shows K9s. Very next hand I get 77 and flop top set. I gleefully call dudes all-in. River is an Ace, he shows AA. I want to kill something. He acknowledges he got lucky. "That's poker", say I. Not sure why I'm sticking around. I should have just sat out after winning with JJ, then I wouldn't have doubled AA up :) It's just a bad beat, I need to get over it. Two people go all-in preflop with AA. It would have been funny if one won with a flush :) Funnilly enough, I'm the deep stack at the table now after maniac called off loads. AKs, flop Broadway on a rainbow board. Me and maniac go all-in (well, I'm virtually all-in, $4 left). River completes the backdoor flush and I have my heart in my mouth. Pot's shipped my way! $112 pot, biggest yet!