
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Why am I playing poker? To make money. Why am I taking shots with ridiculous ROR? To make more money faster. So why am I donking off money in situations where I know MHING? I don't know.

CO KQs: Folded to me so I open raise for 4bb. BB calls. Bollocks. I c-bet the flop for half-pot but I give it up after that. He probably has next to nothing on the river but all I have is a busted straight draw. Ooh, now there's a flop I could have down with KKQ.

Haha, guy who loves to bluff and pushed me off my KQs hand just lost his stack after raising A4s (I think it was suited...) in EP and getting called by TT. I love it when maniacs get busted (although, I prefer to be the one busting them).

See, this is where I have trouble. I limp AKo and fold to a 5bb raise from MP. Now this is a pretty obvious call or reraise normally. Given that I'm shortstacked I should have probably pushed. But I folded. Grr. I'd like to say that if I had AKs I'd have pushed but I said the same thing about AQo earlier. That's why I'm playing as a shortstack after all, to get my pushes called.

So, okay. I'm now open pushing AJ+ and any pair higher than 55.

SB A8s: Folded to me...I fold too. Not really any implied odds in playing that against the BB.

I open push 55. No callers. Ship that dead money, baby!

-$13 from the blinds, limps, and KQs hand. Next time I'll buy in with what I have left and open push whatever.