
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



BT AQo: I fold to PFR. Of course the flop is TQQ. There's something to be said for being properly rolled. A few hands later I pick up KJs but fold to a button raise. Grr. Everytime I pick up AQo I seem to get raised. Being SS I'd push with AK/AQs.

Guy tears it up with 34s. Twice in a row he made the wheel and doubled up. I fuck up with KQo on the button. Folded to me and I limp? Duh, anymore obvious time to raise/steal?

And there we go. Blew through that 50bb at the speed of light. Lost AA to K6o (my idiot self went for UTG+1 LRR) and then AJs got setted with ducks on a 72J flop. Fucking typical. Suicide is the way forward since I suck too much at poker.