
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Yep, Amazon screwed me now. Placed two orders then went to combine them but it was so long since I've used amazon that they had my old card details. No problem, just delete the old ones and add the new one. Yeah, great. That works for one order but I can't see the card for the other one. Says to try back later. I do that. Can no longer combine the orders because the first one is "complete". Pff, P&P^2

Ugh, tables suck tonight. Well, I've found a few fish but they quickly get stacked and then the tables all unimaginative TAGs. Sinusoidal indeed. Folded AK to a single raise earlier (...?!), probably for the best since PFR went nutso on 9-high flop. Then there was another guy who C/R all-in on a K4T after raising preflop. Top set, maybe? What a dumb way to play it, if so. Oh, and these are the "TAGs", or what passes for them.

Trying to work on my image so I prepared to b3b all-in with TPGK+FD holding JTs (paired the Ten) in a raised pot. I tend to not call PFRs with SCs but with 3 already in and me closing I thought I might as well. Donk bet, I raised to full pot, all folds. If someone had just called instead of raising or folding I would have been in bad shape.

Think I need to upgrade. VMware is running slow as shit with just two tables. Of course, there's other resource drains on the host but that's the main culprit. Speaking of techbits, bought a Linksys PCI card to make a wifi repeater/tune box for work. Reminds me I have to order a phono cable to wire into the POS stereo. Spanner put something through it before he left.

DIE SS! Catch 88 as I'm winding down the session. Awesome, see a flop, make a set, drag a pot (or make some Skalansky's). No. Huge family pot and fucker in the BB raises 1/5th his effective stack. Fuck and you. Ha. Pick up JJ in the SB, if he does that shit again I'm putting him all-in. Nope, see a KQ8 flop. Jacks no good, unless I can make him lay Aces (possible but doubtful). Ah, there's a better flop for hooks, QQJr. Meh.

Totally breakeven. Only because of 4 hands: 44, 87s, AQo, JTs. 44: Checked down, 44 wins? AQo: TP2K and no one wants to bad beat me or call with a worse Ace. 87s: TP + gutshot + FD, I want to go all-in but no one raises...or calls. JTs: Raised pot, pair + FD.

Player who I saw with a seven buy-in stack is only 0.5PTBB/100 (over 179 hands). The other guy who had a 3 buyin stack next to him is a -24.39PTBB/100 (over 155 hands).

Looking at my own stats this month is pretty shitty too. I know I say this everytime but maybe nutpeddling isn't a winning strategy. Yeah, small sample but it's still depressing, thought I was doing okay. I guess not.