
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



I don't remember mentioning it but the new England World Cup song by Embrace is absolutely terrible. I realised just how terrible after hearing "Three Lions" on the radio today. Fucking emo crap.

Doctor was of absolutely no help, taking a "just wait and see" approach to my nerve damage. Gee, thanks. At least the A&E surgeon actually seemed to give a shit. I think surgery is contraindicated but "oh, I think that may be as good as it is going to get" does not sit well with me, bitch, because if this is as good as it is going to get then I am partially crippled for life and I am damned well getting compensation. The reason I haven't sought compensation before is because my relationship to my boss is more than a little complicated. However, if I have to endure this for 40-50 years (and it will only get worse with time) then I cannot just be the "nice guy" and say forget about it.

Um, anyway. Goals. My pokery goal this month is to earn £1000 (~$1832) to buy...crap I don't need.

Well, yesterday I lost my phone, which is old and pretty shitty anyway, and so I figured my poker quest would be gambling my way to a new one (at huge ROR). Note, gambling, not tight-passive nut peddling but 32/20 LAGtarding, or maybe just a hell of a lot more aggressive tight play.

So I was thinking Nokia 8800 + a 770 would be coolness. I really don't see the point in the special edition black 8800 which seems to be an extra £200 for a different colour.

Anyway, so whether or not I buy an 8800 or a 770 that's my goal: New pimp phone from poker. So I need at least $500 for the 770 (which is probably adequate if they add VOIP) and probably more if I want an actual phone. I'm setting the 8800 as my goal as it seems to be top of the line but I'd probably be better off with a N-series phone. However, if I make my goal I could of course choose any phone I wanted and pocket the difference.

Um, very meh start to the quest (although getting dealt almost 0 PP meant I wasn't set mining and C/Fing all flops). Flopped one straight but I closed out what I think was the FD on the turn, and no one had two-pair or sets. Hope to do better over the weekend.