
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.




Dr. McNinja.

Lose another coinflip against AKo when the board pairs twice. FFS.

Wow, played an aggro pushbot. Called his all-in with QTo v. J5s. He makes a 4 card straight. I mean, wow, could I lose anymore +EV matchups? I could be calling these with AA and it wouldn't matter. Wow, guy flops a fucking straight with T9o and I go all-in with my two pair. Sweet. Roflcopter, I still won. Sucked out when I was short, then owned his K9s vs A8o on 567r flop, neither of us improve but Ace-high is goot!

Sigh, next match I lose two coinflips and busto (well, first one was not a coinflip, 88 vs A5o, when he was short, 33 v. A9s when I was short).