
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Goals: $15k BR, 7 glasses of water a day, less junk food/pop, & more sleep.

$15k is a bit high but I have a whole month. I would be happy with 20K hands @ ~4PTBB/100 which is, hmm, 800PTBB or 16 buyins. Assuming at least half of that to be at 1/2, that's $1600 and maybe, uh, $3200 at 2/4. Which leaves me $5k short. Still, 4PTBB would be sweetness compared to the shit that went down last month (flush over flush, set over set, etc, etc). Still, it's not as if I can wash my hands and say "sigh, variance". Playing better poker should be my number one priority; money is just a way of keeping score.

And, I think I am playing better. Still pretty nitty and relying on good table selection but better. I've been adopting standard lines sans reads, e.g. if he comes over my 3bet I am done with my overpair, if he calls flop and turn bets he can beat Ace-high, if he check/raises the turn TP is no good, overbets are often bluffs/semi-bluffs but they are not worth stacking off to catch. Simple, SSNL stuff but stuff I have been routinely fucking up.

(Sit at 2/4 monster table, second orbit SB get 55 and call CO's raise [considered 3betting], T75r flop, boom! Watch him have NOTHING. Fire $25 into ~$30, call. Yes, he has a pair! Turn 3 putting a bdfd out. ~$60 into $80. He thinks, he thinks, he folds. Obviously.)

(44 OTB. Folded to me, I raise, SB calls. Uh oh. Bet flop, bet turn, check behind river. Busted draw no pair and MHIG. WTF.)

(Ah, this is the party I know. 2nd nut flush v. nut flush, he check/raises me on the flop with an overcard and a runner-runner fd. AND THEN: My TT gets setted for another ~$110 pot. -50BB at that table. -25BB at another table when someone who hasn't raised a cbet in ~300 hands C/R my AQ on a JK6fd flop. -25BB at another table when my JJ loses to a gutshot. I would have bet the turn but he was shortstacked and the turn paired TP...which was an overcard anyway. Need to fold the river.)

(I FLOP A SET AND STACK A DONK. Holy hell, it's been awhile. Flop 27A, PFR and limper check to me, I bet. C/R to $100. I minraise by accident??? could have sworn the button had 'all-in' on it. Donk has AQ. I really, really thought set over fucking set.)

(Net? BREAKFUCKINGEVEN. What did I do right? I flopped a set. What did I do wrong? Didn't bet full pot on wet boards. The J76r is pretty fucking wet. Need to pot & bet turn OR pot and fold turn/fold river. I felt this was somewhat complicated by the fact that he was shortstacked and if I bet the turn I am almost committed to calling a push when there's a paired overcard. QJ on a J94fd flop. Minraised with ATo. WTF. IDK, I'm OOP turn brings an overcard [K] AND the flush but then I river the second nuts. ALWAYS the second nuts.)

(SO. I flop a set, my cbet gets c/r when I have nothing [I feel I may have been fortunate not to have a pair here], SS gets there with his gutshot, & 2nd nuts. Mistakes: -35BB [calling the river bet with my JJ, betting the river with my TT - nice set value), the rest is normal party-ness.)

Um, so where was I? Oh, I'm "playing better". Yeah, right. 35BB of mistakes is pretty significant. However, if I make these plays and...I catch a bluff OR he folds to my river bet then I think I'm a goddamn genius. I even managed to fuck up a flopped set by MINRAISING! Rofl, I swear it said all-in.

Bet pot script is pretty nifty but I'm still getting used to it. Reload script is nice...only I wish I didn't have to use it so often tonight :)

Bought (but have yet to pay for) a refurbished 22" CRT off ebay. It does 1920x1440, OMGASH. Now I don't know what to do with my old 19". I have two of them, I figure I can put the 22" where the right one is but then if I want to triple-head I'm a little fucked. Besides I need to buy a 1600x1200 pci card to do so. Still, might be worth it. WTF @ electricity. Keeps flicking on and off.

BROWNOUT! Christ, can't keep my computers up for more than five minutes. All these interupts cannot be doing them any favours :(

Anyway, paid for the CRT. I remembered what happened to the pci card I had, and perhaps I can get it back from the person I gave it to. If not, I'll have to buy another one to triple head. Not entirely sure what the point of that would be. It would look cool.

World Series of Donkaments...circuit events? Bleh. God, do I hate these announcers. Give me Gabe Kaplan anyday. Watched EP3, now watching EP1. Russell's wife is super hot. I am going to Hungry. Juanda played badly HU. Okay, JJ v. AA is kind of a cold deck but that AKo was ugly. EP2, nice call with 44. Jesus. Rofl, quad 6's.

Tuesdays = No play. I actually looked at the games this morning and they looked juicy. Evening games are same old shit. Fish were hitting the monster tables ~8pm. Mining continues...Reminds me: Need to see if it's possiible to create SQL queries to show a) 3betting frequency PF & known hands/boards and b) known hands/boards after check/raising slash 3betting the flop.

WTFBBQ. More torrent gayness. Because I have a bad ratio I can't yet download the effing new HSP. Fuck that.

EP4, rofl, Zilem is so bad. Cap, sunglasses, and ipod. Been playing 9 months, seems like a total tard. Lol, Rick Saloman. One night in Paris. Hmm, need to find that DVD.