
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Super EX

I watched this last night while I was recompiling my kernel YET AGAIN. Fucking vmware/nvidia/reiser4 keep panicing. No fun. Anyway, "My Super Ex-Girlfriend" was okay. Anna Faris looked hot, Uma looked good too. Some/most of the film was quite dumb but it was enjoyable. Props to Maven on a good release.

Dunno, maybe a bad call here. Villain is a reguar running at 32BB/100 and started the hand with 75BB. I have to call $83 into a $170 pot with 10 outs. Losing play according to pot odds. I would like to say my thought process went: He hasn't rebought preflop so he may be tilting, he raised UTG (probably the reason I didn't reraise preflop) so he's unlikely to have a straight but flush is possible, he probably thinks I fold too often so why would he push with the flush? Last one made me suspect a semi-bluff. However, ultimately, I thought "fuck it, if he has it I will just have to suckout".

Woohoo, I flop a set of Fours! On a A45fd flop...turn a 3 and I get raised...river doesn't pair and I muck to 2/3 bet. I love the way my sets turn into bluff catchers every fucking time. How about a blank turn one time Party? I mean, yes, he could be bluffing but what idiot bluffs at 4 card straight board? I think the fold was justified give how cautiously he later played the nut straight on a paired board. At least I don't pay off the river, I guess.

I raise JJ, tard limper calls. Q9xfd flop. Limper overbets the pot with slider. I DP and am waiting on the HH...OESDF got there, and he was holding one of my outs. Fucking tard, though, seriously. Overbetting the flop like that. I am pushing a lot of shit there, probably incorrectly.

Rofl, one card straight flush CHECKS the river OOP. King-high flush checks behind.

MOTHERFUCKER, I lose $50 finding out my Jacks are beat on a 356fd flop. I bet, minraised, I 3bet, he doubles it. Look buddy, if you play 77-TT that way, more power to you. This was against the guy who checks the King-high flush behind on the river so I don't feel too bad about folding. Just a serious PITA.

Oh well, I make it back with AKo trying to trap a shortstack. Unfortunately, 2 others see the flop and I am in a horrible position on a 4 card straight board. This time I block the river and win the fucking pot. Woo.

AA gets action! I love the button's call preflop. I thought I was fucked when he instacalled my raise. And then I got the Ace on the river and thought I sucked out. Nope.

Ugh, QQ. Flop 88xfd. He calls my flop bet, which I thought he would. Turn 8. SHIPITHOLLA. He bets, I call. He bets river, I miss a push. 33 no goot.

Ugh, TT v. JJ for like 15BB. Moments later he loses QQ to AJs. HAHA. I don't know why I find that funny but I do.

Ugh, running at 18BB/100 over small sample. Up 6 whole buyins. That can't last. Time for Party to throw me a dozen set over sets. I've actually been making some draws too so that will stop.