
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


One time


Shortstack reraises my AKo from the SB. I think about putting them all-in but I want to see a flop. K6x flop. Short stack has 66s. OH WELL.

Newcomer opens in EP. I smoothcall with JJ looking for a set. JT5r flop. He bets pot, I raise half my fucking stack. He calls with AKo because he has a gutshot. Turn Q. I can't fold now after putting so much in on the flop. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, CANT YOU FOLD A MOTHERFUCKING GUTSHOT ONE TIME? JUST ONE TIME. (N.B. I don't want him to fold; I just don't want him to get there every time). FUCK IT.

JJ in the SB. I pop it up to $7 trying to get the limpers & BB out. NOPE. 563r flop, I bet, he pushes. Could be a draw, could be two pair, could be a set. FUCK KNOWS. I fold because if I am ahead, it's not by far.

I'm looking over my biggest losses this month. 2buyins to pushed draws, 99 v. flopped wheel. Why, no, I did not expect him to have A5 in a reraised pot. STUPID ME. QQ v. calling stations turned two pair (I was pushing any non-flush turn). AA v. AT board pairs top pair (Ten). SWEET. Set of Jacks v. gutshot just now. What should I do on the turn? Assume he has AK and check behind? Set v. runner-runner flush. I actually got it all-in before the river. SO FUCKING WHAT. QQ v. shorty's KK. Stupid bluff v. weak trips. Ace-high flush v. King high flush. Poorly played AA v. backdoor flush. AA v. shorty's flopped two pair. Two pair v. unknown. Turn/river put 4 to a straight and 4 to a flush out. FANTASTIC! KK v. probably Jx. Turn pairs top pair (Jack) so I fold. Set over set v. short stack. THANK GOD FOR THAT MINISCULE MERCY. Plus there's a sea of red that seems to me folding hands because they don't hit the flop. HEY, THAT NEVER HAPPENS. I HIT THE FLOP EVERY TIME, HARD AS YOU LIKE.

And now my month at 100NL 6max is breakeven. NEW PLAN. Everytime I think I have significantly the best hand, I am just going to go all-in. Forget lost value. Just forget it. AA preflop? Push. KK preflop? Push. QQ preflop? Push (w/ read). I flop a set? Push. I flop two pair? Push (w/ read). I flop an OESFD? FOLD. I flop an overpair? FOLD. I flop TPTK? FOLD.

Wow, I flop a set of Fours on an AJ4 board. All-in, JJ of course.

I've started nitting which is probably bad but at least I'm not losing so much on missing every monster draw, etc.

Wow, I take a shot at 400NL. Within 12 hands I drop $400. Motherfucking AA in the BB. I 'trap'. Fuck that shit. T9o turns a straight after flopping OESD. Trap gone awry?

Sit with $400 at 10/20 table. One time they don't get there! Such a shame that I sat at $400NL first. 14 hands -$42. 2 hands at 10/20 +$358. 12 hands at 2/4 -$400. Standart?

Play a little 1/2. Hit a set. I guess it is as easy as B3B all-in. Turn made me sick. I thought here's hearts or KK. River made me happier. I cracked two peoples AA in the space of about 20 hands. HOLLA. If only I'd pushed river in the first hand.

Maybe I should be like Eezspearfish and just play a few hundred hands here and there for ${STUPID}BB/100. Beats grinding for nothing.

I can also see shortstacking 10/20 is stupidly profitable but I can only imagine the sick variance.

Random thought: Like a lot of tight players I overlook the fact that loose players make mistakes for small bets. However, I (and many like me) make mistakes for big bets because we cannot believe that we've been outdrawn yet again. Take my AA hand that I tried trapping with, for example. If I played it straight forwardly, I would have picked up the pot preflop, most probably. After the flop, in my mind he was betting to make me fold, not because he had any equity in the pot whatsoever. River push, he's telling me has a huge hand and asking if I believe him. I did not believe he had the hand he was representing and called hoping to catch a bluff. So his small mistakes preflop and on the flop are nothing beside the huge mistake I made on the river. I thought that he thought that I was trying to steal the pot with a bluff on the end. I need to stop making such large mistakes.