
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Turning nuts

Ran a stupid bluff after getting minraised preflop with KQs. BUT IT WAS SOOTED! Almost as miserable as the AK bluff made against me but not quite. Still, a good way to burn 50BB. God, I hated that table. 2p2er was 3betting me all the goddamn time. First time AJ and he squeezed me. Second time TT. I was going to call but I wasn't completing the action, & I couldn't call for set value, & I'm a pussy. He got pushed off his hand postflop by a minraise. lol?

I pay off a SSs two pair by calling with 11 outs and missing all of them. Sigh, bad call.

Then I turn the nut straight and the flopped set pays me off. Move up to where they respect me making a good hand and them having a good enough second best hand to call? Standard.

Oh, but earlier I royally fucked up a hand. His name is "BluffKing" FFS and I bet in to him. I need to check the turn and let him push me off my overpair/AK. Or I need to 3bet that flop and hope he caught enough to call/push. Actually, I like a 3bet on the flop as that IS how I should play an overpair; 3bet and (possibly) fold to a push. (Uh, I'm not saying I fold top set o_O)

Meh, I cannot believe I: Called an all-in with what I figured to be 13 outs, didn't 3bet my set of Queens or check turn, & bluffed 50BB away with King fucking high in a reraised pot. FISH MINRAISED ME PREFLOP. HELLO???

Ugh, I'm getting there but I keep making obvious mistakes and responding emotionally.