
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



I really, really need to stepback and stop looking at results. My only concern is playing well and I'm not. I'm making stupid fucking mistakes all over. Throwing away buyins allover, calling when I know I can only beat a bluff. Big hands, big pots. AA is not a big enough hand for 100BB if 90% goes in postflop. Typically.

Yes, yes I do. Hmm, gamer girls.

Watched A Scanner Darkly today. Awesome movie. Sort of overly abrupt ending but whatever. The rotoscoping (?) animation was fantastic. The four main characters were good. Ryder was kind of meh but whatever. Harrelson, Downey Jr., & Reeves were all very good, especially Downey.

Anywho, going to try and play a chilled out dids session. Keep moving around so as no one adjusts to me.

I got AA v. KK...for 30-something BB. Typical. I flop Fours full of threes but no one has a three, evidently. I try flopping sets at 400NL to make up for my dropping a buyin yesterday. To no effect. Won a coinflip for 50BB at 200NL with JJ vs. AK. Would have won another coinflip at 400NL vs. shortys AK but the original PFR overcalled which is pretty fucking scary. Mucked my snowmen and A6o beat shortstacks AK.

I found out what huge flop check/raises mean from some people. I raised KK UTG, few callers. Checked to me, I pot cbet FD board, BB 3x c/r me. I think fuck it, tilt call and re-evaluated turn. Turn: Ace of FD. Fucking great. BB makes a weak bet which is either suckering me in or because he hates that turn as much as I do. Fuck it, sucker call. River is something unimportant. Might have even been the 4th flush card (of course!). BB checks, I check. BB mucks QQ.


Looking a little more robusto. Flopped two sets of Jacks. First one no one wanted to do business :( I may have been better off check/raising and representing a draw. Second one I turned quads, bitches. I actually played it "okay" in a FTOP way. I don't know why he's not coming over the top of me with two pair on the flop. Probably because of the connectedness of the flop. Still, how can he put me on Q9/97 exactly? He should really 3bet that shit. Check/caller obviously has a straight draw. Turn I can't bet since I put him on two pair and he's now counterfeited if he thinks that I have an overpair. If I did bet there the other guy may call with his straight draw or he may fold because the board paired. I don't know what he's doing on the river calling my valuebet with second pair. He beats AK/AQ & 99. Of course I am very glad he did call. I would have been much happier had he tried to blow me off my overpair. And, FWIW, if I do bluff AK there it will be bigger bet.

So my running around tables strategy seems to be fairing well enough so far. It's not exactly hit and run because I'm not always hitting. However, if I showdown a huge hand I generally do run because I know that I am not getting any action for awhile afterwards. I don't mind staying if I made a boneheaded play or two because I will get action. For instance, SS minraised UTG, I have TT on the button. I put him all-in (a little risky but the blinds obligingly folded). He has AA. Meh. I stay around because I look foolish. Then I made a dumb mistake. Instead of raising to 7 with my AQo, I raise to 74. Thankfully no one capitalised. Where are the aggro 2p2s? Do I have to move up to 5/10 where my raise to $420 will get a push?

Fucking OBSD box suddenly died. Either the PCI NIC is busto or it's a software problem. Was up for over 3 months and it just suddenly fucked up :/ Going to upgrade to 3.9 anyway and if that fails, try another NIC.

Flopped another set and B3B all-in on the flop. I think he only called because I might have been on a FD. I run better at 200NL than 100NL (for now). Still jumping around tables looking for fish to fry. Had a fucking Canadian shortstack on my left crack my KK. Flop is a beautiful Ace-high, monotone monstrosity. I cbet, he calls. Turn 4th fucking club turning my Kings to dogshit. I check/fold. A few hands later I raise AA to the exact amount of his stack but he folds.

Reef girls.

Now the kernel on this computer has started choking. Fucksake.