
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


And the beat goes on

Eh, I'm just going to reinstall OpenBSD 3.9. Hopefully that will magically fix my networking problem. However, I can't get right on that because I'm trying to import last nights 1/2 HH. However, PT has been choking on that for an hour now...Meh, I'm going to give it another hour or so and see if it does complete. Then I can dump my PSQL DB off of the OBSD box and reinstall.

However, choking like that precludes me from playpokah! Which is...I dunno. Tuesdays Party games have always been terrible in my GMT experience. However, I was going to tweak my PAHUD layout (uh, tweak it from standard; yes, I suck). CTS gave me his config but it doesn't load :( However, he did mention that he has C/R numbers for flop/turn/river which sounds pretty cool. So does adding cbet/fold to cbet/att. steal/folded to steal/folded to turn bet/folded to river bet. That will help with straight forward/weaker players. I also want to ID as many 2P2ers as possible. Generally to avoid them or to try and pick them apart.

Ugh, work is eminently shit but the end is nigh for me there. Two people who used to be good friends, and the older guy got the younger the job, can no longer stand each other. Much yelling ensues. And then, when I get home from work, I go to relax and read a little Nature via Nurture on the deck, the fucking chair collapses and I bruise the base of my spine. I think one of next doors kids was messing with it and moved the back leg to far forward unintentionally. Might take the day off if it's hurting badly in the morning, all the better because it was the boss' kid. Or maybe no one touched it; it's a stupid design anyway.

Oh, I could only find a .torrent for the Lazy-B album, which of course has no seeds. 97% FFS. And the "Life of...Jennifer Stone" dvd is a damn DVD9 but, um, well, I <> Jennifer Stone pretty bad. Fucking jesus, I have to go to Czech Republic. European women are so unbelievably beautiful.

*Watches Clerks2*