
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Wow, breakeven. Break-fucking-even. That will cut the winrate. Lets see: I call down with second pair because my read was wrong (he had TPWK), I call down a retarded shortstack with TPGK and he flopped the nut straight, I get 3bet with TT by an unknown and someone overcalls both raises (overcaller floats weak flop [K86r] bet, weak bets turn and 3bettor folds. Great. In retrospect, I think the overcaller sucked.).

Plus I lose value all over. Two hands come to mind: 55, I raise and, having not flopped a set in forever, of course the flop comes 8Q5 diamonds. Dude donks, I call, overcall. Turn 3s, dude checks, I...am in an awkward situation. If I bet pot, I am committed to calling the river, if I check I let them draw for free. I check so I can get away from the inevitable diamond, or hopefully check/raise but it's checked through. River 9s, dude donks, I raise, both fold. TERRIBLY played. Raise the flop, moran. Pay off/outdraw a flopped flush.

I complete the SB with K4s. Flop K46r. I bet, limper calls. Turn 4, I bet again, guy calls. River 8, I bet again, guy minraises. So it becomes apparent that he has been slowplaying something. I call thinking he may have Sixs full. A4o of course. Huge, huge, lost value there. A donk is probably stacking off with trips.

Play some more...oh joy. "Rough seas" costs me nearly two buyins, mainly because I decided I wanted the 30% pot equity of my flush draw now. Stupid call that I wouldn't make unless I was running like dogshit. What else happened at that table...Oh yeah, I flopped the fucking nuts fat lot of good that did me. I love villains value check. Mmm, I flop TPTK, villain flops a fucking flush. I lose QQ v. KK to a shortstack. I didn't win as much from him when I had KK v. his 99. BUT OF COURSE.

Uh, so that was the worst table. Then I dropped monies to a calling stations K3s flopped trips with AA. And that's about it.

So if it weren't for that motherfucking cocksucker of a table I'd actually be up on the night! God forbid.

Sigh, get there 1 time. I honestly can't remember the last person I stacked (oh wait, I doubled up AKo v. A9s either yesterday or the day before. Yippee?). I can only win smallish pots now, never the biguns. I actually flopped a set in a raised pot! They folded, of course.

Winrate is falling, falling, falling. Games after 10 o'clock seem excellent, however. Anyhow, fuck poker.