
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


The Enormity of it all

I am not surprised I'm down. I am surprised that I am down 3 fucking buy-ins without stacking off.

Let's see. -9.2BB/100, WSF 21%, WSD 13%, W$SD 60%. Look good? No. Uh, my VPIP and PFR is also alarmingly low. That's due to extremely loose passives/aggressives who will call me down with 22 unimproved.

Just go through and pick out the > 25BB pots. -$55 when I'm called down OOP by a FD that hits a pair on the river after I fired flop and turn. -$84 QQ runs into slowplayed AA. Let's see, he smooth called preflop with 3 people left to act, smooth called flop, bet 1/3rd pot turn, and called my 1/3rd pot blocking bet on the river. SB JJ I call raise, BB minraises. Uh oh, I get odds to call. I bet 3/4 pot on turn after it's checked through and both call. I check to the BB on the river (board is 26945r), he bets half-pot, PFR folds, I think. There is litterally nothing I can beat except TT and a bluff so I fold. Guy said he had JJ. -$73 when I run into slowplayed AA again after making TPTK. Guy's a regular and his UTG limp did kind of throw me since he's very aggressive preflop. That's ~$230. And then I'm -$20 to -$30 all over the place. Why? I can't flop pairs, sets, draws, or any fucking thing. Oh, I forgot, I did flop bottom two out of the BB with J4o. Minraised on the flop. Minraised on the turn so I dumped it.

There is a little green in there. I did flop a few sets and win the pot on the flop/turn. IDK, I kind of misplayed 99 by check/calling (King high) flop, checking (Ace) turn, betting river. Way to win the least. Guy had AQo so flop c/c wasn't bad from a FTOP POV but BET THE TURN! He either loves the Ace or he's folding. Um, I flopped top set on a wet board. I check/raised it all-in. WTF is wrong with me. However, PFR did overbet the pot so I caught that. Still, I think my line looks like a draw. I can't raise less and I don't want to see a flush/straight turn since it will kill my hand or my action.

That's despite making plenty of new buddies. I did busto one where his QJo on a J22 flop turned out to be less than my AA. I guess he put me on AK? There were no fucking draws, I had reraised the pot hugely preflop. If he had JJ or 2x I was going to pay him off. And then there was another guy whom I made absolutely nothing off but who managed to lose more than I did in just 57 hands. Guy on tilt won the most with this hand. Kid also doubled someone up when he had JJ and they had AA. Then he makes a retarded bluff with 92o. And he slightly overplays pocket fives. He managed to be up $11 on me though, obviously.

So what am I to take from all this? Over tightening too much is bad. For instance, I fold A9s because I never hit anything. Flop comes Axxfd giving me TP+FD had I played, turn flush and plenty of action. Some of it, however, is good. Limping and calling bets with small PPs is transparent but the donks don't care. Folding crap like AT+ OOP with calling stations behind. Not cbetting people who fold <50% of the time. Not cbetting family pots. Blah blah, woof woof.

Who cares? It's all luck. I flop 5 flushes, 3 of them nut flushes. I bet them like a good little 2p2 and win a tiny pot on the flop. I flop a set and no action. Which is luckier flopping the nuts everytime or having villains willing to pay off big bets with worse hands? Not that I have experience with either. I do not flop shit and I rarely have a better hand (patently not true! You have a better hand when you go to showdown 60% of the time! - Ed. [Yeah, all 13% of the time I have something worth showing down] Perhaps you should showdown more? - Ed.). Whatever, things swing down hugely and sometimes they go up slightly. HYCHCHCHAHCHCH, etc.

Oh, reminds me. I played 2/3 orbits with tuff_fish. Didn't actually get in a hand with him that I recall. He wasn't filming anyway. Table was a shark fest, though. I managed to breakeven by firing two barrels with AK. I was hoping to get a set because I know tuff overplays overpairs. Not that I really wanted to bust him (especially if it wasn't being filmed :p).

Hmm, just looking through PPs. I am -$75 with 55 since it has not setted 16 times in a row. 44 is -$84 after flopping one set in 20 times. Oh, I managed to fold it once preflop by timing out too. Nice. See, this is what I get. Eagle is the guy who called me down with T8s chasing flush and rivered an eight. Had I known I would have bet the river. But this is luck or lack thereof. I raise as a pot sweetener. I get a set, albeit on a shitty monotone flop, and I get no action. RUN RUN RUN RUN as Tony would say.

But then there are some major problems. I river top two after turning TPTK+FD. I win less than I should. Then JJx flop with AA. Bet call. Turn third Jack, giving me the second nuts. I CHECK??? Need to bet and hope he has something to draw to a full house or try and take it away, or even go nutso with a smaller PP.
