
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Keep it low

Eh, over 250 hands: 22BB/100 @ 200NL, -22BB/100 @ 400NL. Think I'll stick to 200NL for now...

Only one bad hand, really, the rest is just missing flops with small PPs and SCs. I think if I have AT/KT I call the turn. I probably should call the turn and fold the river if he bets.

Oh, and I tried a bluff again. Donkey has 77, I imagine. Whatever, I can't call with King-high. He might be pulling that move with the naked Ace but I think I still fold AK (w/ King of hearts) since I may be redrawing dead.

On the plus side, I stacked a shortstack with a set :/ I didn't have the implied odds really but the SB called and he was deep, and I guessed (correctly) that the limper would call if I did.

And then I actually pot, pot, push and get called by a hand I beat. I did figure him for a flush draw on the flop, but then he called the turn so I was unsure what he had. Decided that he might put me on a busted draw or AK and snap off a bluff. Normally they pick up two pair not one :/ Still, pretty good board for Queens.

Anyway, as I was in work and contemplating how much I hate it there and when I could quit I made some realizations. 4PTBB/100 = 8 buyins over 10K hands, which is about how much I'm playing right now per month. And at 200NL that is SHIT money and no where near "fuck it, I'm quitting". Even if my winrate is higher than that at 200NL it's still not much better than my day job (the fact that it *is* better shows just how badly my job does suck). Solution? Play more fucking hands. New monitor will help with that. Try and get up to 6 tables. Need to discipline myself also. More hands! At least 5K a week.

HSP: 99, baby. Open push top set. Well played. Freaking at least 5 all-ins. WTF.

Wow, but less hands like that. Gutshot > *. Goddamn do I wish I had checked behind on the river.

What was my plan? Kill myself by July first if my life had not improved significantly? Okay then.

NOTE TO SELF: DO NOT BLUFF, EVER AGAIN. River bluff, check/raised. River bluff (I thought it looked like an obvious valuebet size), called by top pair. Do not call down with flopped top pair if it's a FUCKING 9 and the turn brings a King (true, he had limped KK OTB but still, calling turn minraise and river bet = spew). HYCHACHACHACHA.

At least my stats are looking less weak-tight...shame my results look like shit. Wow, the guy who stacked me with the gutshot is now sitting on 4 buy-ins...and he continues to overbet the pot all the goddamn time. He just lost a $167 pot calling down with 22 unimproved. Jesus.


Rofl, I leave table to kill hobos, come back and villain has 8 buyins. I leave table to kill more hobos, come back and villain has <75BB...Villain has 55BB. Villain is open pushing preflop.

Moral of the story? STICK AROUND AFTER A BAD BEAT.