
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Ya ya ya

Flop another set! Multiway pot! Wet flop! Lead, call, raise by me, call, fold. Check, 2/3 bet after turning a boat...fold. Played exactly how 2p2 suggests, bet the turn because he'll call to draw anyway. Will he? I think not.

Fucksake. Just a little action when I'm ahead. Even if he'd flopped the straight I would want to get it in on the flop just for the fucking sake of getting all-in with decent equity in a pot.

Jesus fucking christ. I've had 88, 77, 44 and I can't catch a cold. KK catches a AJT flop OOP against a shortstack. Woo, KK UTG+1, limper UTG, reraised behind, UTG limper calls. UH OH. Fuck it, I'll push and make them think I have AK. Fold, fold. DAMNIT. When he didn't instacall I was very thankful.

Um, -18BB no hands and then two pair < gutshot on the river. -16BB no hands period. -16BB KK catches AJT flop. Um, and that's it today. Saying BB since it's mixed limits. Hmm, and BB = BB not PTBB.

Looking at my starting hands. AJo -$135 called down with FD on two streets & ran into AA. A9o -$104 when I didn't believe the guy had limped Kx on the button...when he'd actually limped KK. KQo down a little bit because I flop no pairs and get check raised. KJs -$89 because I bluffed a monotone flop. KTs -$149 because I figured top two was ahead of maniac. JTs -$128 when my bluff gets snapped off. J4s -$75 when I flop bottom two and get minraised twice. T9s -$197 OESD doesn't get there. Shortstack had a set but he made a losing play by calling with set value in the first place. Cest la vie. 98s -$53 no draws ever get there and two pair loses to gutshot. 55 -$75 I've had it 16 times and I have yet to hit a set. 44 -$96 had 23 times, flopped a set once.

And admittedly, I have lost value on some of my winning hands by playing them like a downie but still, mostly it's been: Flop big, everyone folds. Flop mediocre, get outdrawn. Flop nothing, everyone calls. When I move in with draws they call, when I move in with made hands they fold.

4k hands of being a nit and I'm getting nowhere. I like to think I'm playing okay. Raising more when I have position on people who fold to cbets a lot, raising less when I am OOP against calling stations. Well, that's the theory. My VPIP and PFR are disgustingly low.

Sigh. Eats and watch WSOPe05.