
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



I'm missing 36GB due to marketing bastards and their non-standard SI definitions. And, no, I will never call them gibibytes. Copying ~40GB of porn off of /mnt/moremedia on to the new drive (/mnt/media). Taking awhile. moremedia I use as my 'incoming' partition for usenet

2p2 is down :( Guess I will try and play a few hands.

Champloo has 492304 players and 95273 hand histories. Not bad for a few days work.

Did family stuff tonight. Surprisingly enjoyable. Maybe I'm getting old.

Wow, cockbag. KK UTG, cockbag calls with 66. Flop 4sTc2c, I cbet $19. Cockbag disconnect protects on the flop. Turn 6, ship it to cockbag. It's good in that he didn't call, turn his 6 and stack me. It's bad in that he should have a) folded or b) called drawing super thin. Yeah, this is pot/kettle black territory but I have learned my lesson and repent my wickedness.

Update: "We have found that the hand you reported to us was indeed suspicious and as the investigation has revealed further suspicious disconnects in the past, we have proceeded to block the protection feature for this player. In future, should they disconnect their hand will be folded. The player concerned has been sent an email explaining the reason for our actions." I WANT TO BELIEVE.

Everyone seems to flop top pair against me and I flop nothing. E.g. I call a raise with 66, flop is Q58r. I call cbet, he checks turn, pots river. Looks like a bluff, no? Board has maybe two overs with only the Queen representing broadway. Of course he has KQs. I mean, of goddamn course. How could he do something like...raise AQo UTG, flop 77Tss, get called by JT. Fuck it, I'm not cbetting OOP into unknowns.

Wow, that was sick. Flopped two pair with Q5o from the BB. Calling station calls down...Q5Tdd flop, Ax turn, Jx. I check, he bets half pot. I don't think he's bluffing since he's committed half his stack. And if he is 'bluffing' he can be doing it with half a dozen better 2 pairs.

AND THEN. I 3bet button's raise with QQ from the SB. Button hesitantly calls. 7 high flop. I bet $45 into $60. He calls, I check the second 7 on the turn. He bets $100, I think fuck it, he may put me on AK/AQ and may have TT/JJ (or even 99, at a push) and push for $128. He doesn't instacall so I imagine my hand is probably good. He calls with JJ and DOESN'T spike on the river. Thank fuck for that.