
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Bitch of Diamonds

When is a two outer not a two outer? When it's also the goddamn flush card. Not that it matters. 44 on a 4h9d3d flop. QQ bets, shorty pushes with diamond SC, I call. Turn is the King of hearts, QQ checks, I push, and he eventually calls. Nice call, sir! 2 outs! HAHAoh. Queen of diamonds on the river. At least he lost the side pot. Christ. Talk about demotivating. This is on FT as well. Plus, everytime I would do something outlandish like raise with AKo and cbet, I would get minraised. Of course I never did something like flopping a pair or better on those occassions. -$257 at that table alone. Fucking, fucking, fucking fuckers.

Oh, I also recall misclicking with my set on the turn. Minbetlol. If I'd managed to pot it, perhaps he makes a crying call on the end there. Also, PP AKo and idiot on my left (yeah, I suck at getting good seats) I have TPTK with NFD on the turn, make draw on the river on an unpaired board. I overbet pot representing a bluff and get minraised. Oh, snap. I have the second nuts...and call leaving about $50 on the table. WTF. Oh, I actually thought he had broadway...no, he just rivered a pair of jacks with QJs.

Iron-o-lickly, PP is more robusto than FT today. Dropped maybe 1.5 buyins on FT, made nearly 3 on PP. I actually don't know how. I do remember dodging a FD and folding out AKo unimproved with KK for a nice 3 way pot. Can't really recall much more, not that I really want to.

Only another 319,800 Party points to go and I can get the watch I posted for 'free'. I am pretty sure it was ~$2k so each PP is worth ~$0.006 cents.

I'm about as far from a motorhead as you can get but I found this video on Joe's GTTT very interesting. *Spoiler* After all that having him say at the end that he lost his first street race is kind of disappointing. Also: smart car vs. Ferrari. I don't care, I think I'd rather have the Ferrari.

I told a lie the other day. I was asked how I was doing this month, and I said 'meh'. "ZOMG, you're not losing are you?" "Um, no". Truth be told, I am down still from Prima.

Holy shit, it's 12:30am and I thought it was about 8pm.

Wee, need to install that drive today.