
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


4th time lucky

Get KK 4 times at one table. See a flop once. Get stacked by cock's 99. Sweet, only time I get action...any action...I'm way behind. He's a 21/7/2 which I heard was an awesome style. Very, very annoyed at getting stacked...again. Although this time I semi-deserved it. I say 'semi' because who calls a button raise with 99 for set value? And who check/raises said set?

Another cock calls me with bottom pair on the flop, bluffs river when I have 55. Shows his paired 6. I guess he thought he was bluffing.

So while things were going nicely at FT, they're back to square one. Down two buyins with a set and an overpair, sweet. I think I am probably down almost a buyin through not getting there. Variance.