
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Cried Faye as she spread A♠J♠ in front of Spike Spiegel and raked his entire stack.

And even though PBJ is temporarily +EV I probably won't play a single hand. Oh, bollocks they cancelled it anyway after they realised how much money they'd be losing to 2p2ers & other savvy gamblers. +$400-$1600 or -$400 for 3 hours (1800 hands) doesn't actually seem that bad. Damn, now that I can't do it I want to, of course.

Hmm, was about to sit but all the games are crap now (8pm GMT, 3pm ET). Why were they seemingly good (or at least, better) at 5-7 pm? Surely it's not just east coasters playing in their lunch hours? Euros home from work and need to play for an hour or so before going out? Game selection is hugely important to me. Why sit in a game where my BB/100 is halved or worse when I don't have to?

Well, damnit, that is annoying. I will try again at 9pm (4pm EST). Perhaps I need to reschedule my evenings so that I am playing earlier...or much later. Later is a problem since I have to get up at stupid o'clock.

I played...I rather wish I didn't. JJ OOP, sweet. Can't be bothered looking through PT. Regular raises UTG, 533r flop, I check/call. Sometimes I donk, sometimes not. Regular hits the pot button. Qx turn, check/check. My hand is probably good, bet/fold 9 or something river . Perhaps I bet too little since he instantly pushed. Of course I folded, however, I don't actually think he's capable of pushing without a near nut hand there. Turn check kind of threw me into think MHIG but his river action screams monster since pot is moderate and effective stacks are semi-deep still. I really think he had 55 the more I think about it. Of course, 33 is not impossible, just stupidly unlikely. Why 55? Because he had a calling station on his left and instantly potted the flop. Before he was not betting so big, especially on such a dry board. Possible he had QQ+ too. Whatever, I am 80% sure he had Jacks beat. Still wish I'd c/c river or c/f.

Also, raise QQ EP, QJTr flop. Bollocks. I bet, called. Turn King and I check behind. River 8 or something and I want to valuebet but check behind again. A2 or whatever is good. Motherfucker. However, I get into a pot with KQs against the same guy from the BB. Flop is JTxdd and I bet. Two calls. I check non-diamond Queen turn, he near pots it. I call (?). River non-diamond King. He pots it again. I think, I think. I think he wants me to fold with that large bet so I call. 85hh no goot.

About an hour and down some monies. Flopped a set in position on a wet flop and won...fuck all. It's like, HAVE A FD YOU SCUM! Or put me on a FD and push your overpair. Or fold your ATo unimproved. BASTARD.

I'd like to win some money on FT. I know I did somehow but...I gave it back with an overpair (my bad) and pushing in as 95% favourite in the main pot, and an 84% favourite in the side. Play good, go busto?

Actually, no. I play bad too. Cbetting into 4 way pot with Ace high? Calling an $8 button raise with QJs and folding to a $15 flop bet on a monotone board 3 handed. Sure I had Queen-high and the fish in the SB folded but that is mad weak shit.

Not to play down my deficiencies but...if I could stop running into 4 card straights it would help a little. TY.