
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Moved to blogger beta. Big whoop.

Played some hands. You know what's good? Playing against regulars that suck. Not to give him too much advice but he played every street horribly. Preflop: Calling a 3bet with KJs OOP. Unless his notes say that I'm a really horrible that is a pretty awful beginning. Flop: His call is debatable I guess. He's either WA/WB on the flop. I.e. he won the coinflip in which case he's getting NADA or I have an overpair/set. Turn: That's a problem with being OOP in a big pot, I can take a free card. River: Um, okay, this is the worst play BY FAR. Two pair on a KJTxxr board in a reraised pot is not the greatest of hands. Sure, it is unlikely that I have KK/JJ given that he has KJ but WTF does he expect me to call an all-in with? AA does not check the turn. Period. And AA does not call that push without a very good reason too. It's possible I have 3 possible sets or, of course, the nuts. I call with those hands all day and fold everything else. No wonder this 24/16/x is in a huge downswing.

However, there's a 26/6/x or something who I have 11k hands on running at 12PTBB. WHAT?

Korean Robin Hood. Awesome shot even if he's just shooting inside a shaft and not actually splitting an arrow.

Um, I'm running out of time. Need to get to sleep for work. Work sucks. If online poker was not FUBAR, I would phone in and have this conversation: Me: "Hi, it's $ME. I'm not coming in today." N: "Okay, are you sick?" M: "No." N: "Um...what?" M: "I'm not sick" N: "Then why aren't you coming in?" M: "Crappy jobs like this one have high levels of absenteeism. I'll be in Monday. Probably. I'm hanging up now." N: "..."

I would then tell them whenever that I am taking all my vacaction ASAP and leaving as soon as it is over. That would be ownage.

However, given the uncertain nature of the pokeronomy I can't do that so I will likely drag myself in for TGIF. Or phone in some weak ass excuse. My excuse will be so unbelievably weak though if I make one. Fuckem, passive-aggressive style.

Um, quick roundup: Lost.301 was no where near as bad as I thought it would be. Julia seems like she could be an interesting character. So does Ben/Henry. Of course it will take all fucking season to find out what the Others are up to, if not longer.

Installed new DVD-drive and pulled the old one. It's no good if it can't read dvds even if the writer is working. Black looks better than beige.

Watched BSG "Hand of God". "I am a divine instrument of God." Awesome. I loved Lee's salvo into the base. It looked so much out of something from Command & Conquer. The way he pops out of the tunnel, looks around, hops over those tanks and drops those bombs outside the distillery. Beautiful.


Oh, one last thing. What happened to Ellen on New Caprica? I don't recall seeing her in the webisodes so does she reveal herself to be a cyclon? Is she discovered? Is that why Tigh has become the badass revolutionary that he appears to be? Not long now. 2 new episodes. YESH!

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