
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Drive me crazy

I think my dvd drive is el-fubar. Sucks big time. Fight Club wouldn't work (I got to just past the chemical burn scene) a few weeks ago and now Sin City won't play at all. So I tried watching BSG mini-series. Got to the point where the Galactica had jumped after Ragnor(sp) confrontation and busto. It's either that or all my media has become corrupted...or was burnt wrong to begin with.

BSG is the best show evar! I can't wait for next Friday's episode. Watched the 8 webisodes. "Some things you don't do, Colonel, even in war." Awesome.

Had a lazy, lazy 'afternoon' (it's 9pm now but I didn't get up til 1pm). Need to play some poker.

Played a few hands on FT. I was down to less than 2 buyins. Wow, sucks. Trouble with that is I can't make the plays I need to make. Had JJ, guy floated me for the second time. Right, I think I'll check/push the turn...only there's someone else in the hand. UGH. Guy pushed the turn and of course floaty bitch folded. BUT THEN a miracle happened and I flopped a set after raising 88 UTG. Guy pushed turn with 98s and I was more than happy to call him. BACK TO EVEN. GEEGEE.

Dikshit giveth and Dikshit taketh away. Verily. AA within minutes of each other. Cost me 150BB. First one, have two idiots on my right (how's that, position on these freaks for a change? No way!) and they both limp UTG & UTG+1. I only have stats on one but he's 65/23. His buddy I suspect is very similar. Anyway, those two see the flop with me. It's 566cc or something. I bet, he minraises. Oh boy, great. I call. Turn nothing, he bets $60 and I call. River another nothing and he puts me all-in. Call, whatever, T6. Yeah, nh. Fucking muppet. And, to make matters worse, I get AA on another table in the CO. Open, CO calls. Flop is sickly wet, I bet, he minraises, obviously. I call. Turn completes flush & straight draws. I bet with the intention of folding. He calls so I put no more money in. He checks behind on the river so I briefly think "Hay, maybe my hand IS good". Not a fucking chance, of course he had a set. So, I manage to get QQ, KK, & AA with two total fish on my right and lose a buyin at that table. How absolutely standard. The guy I lost to then loses 300BB to his donkey buddy with a rivered two pair against the other guy's broadway. Q4o no goot, donkey. Oh great, now I've had JJ. Good job I didn't go past the flop with that one since tardo had Q2 for TPNK. It's always the same with donkeys like that, I cannot catch one goddamn hand when they appear. Oh, I mean I caught nice starting hands to be sure but starting hands mean dick after the flop. OMGZ, I flopped a set. OMGZ, I flopz a set. OMGZ, I smoothcall his PSBs. He donkbets the river, $35 into $100 and I finally raise. "You have ace-high fuck sake", I said in the chatbox while he hollywoods his inevitable fold.. Ace-high is probably overestimating his range in all honesty. It was more likely 7-high.

So, losing 50BB to an unknown nit, and 100BB to a known tard. Making 60BB back from another known tard. IDK, I will post the hands. I think they are "standard" given my reads or lack of them. Maybe I should have check folded the turn against the unknown nit. I will post that one. Maybe I should have folded the turn against the known tard. I mean, check/minraise, lead turn is pretty strong. Trouble is his range of "strong" hands is super large. Any fucking overpair, especially premiums he's going nutso with. However, obviously premiums don't make sense since he limped in. 99 maybe. UGH. Flopped another set but only the weak-tighty stays in after the flop. I don't know what to do so I misplay it by going for a turn check/raise. He checks behind. GRR. River pairs the turn card giving me a FH. I quickly pot it to look like a bluff. Annoyingly weaktighty has me pegged and says "boat. I'd bet my life. I'm folding QQ." Sweet. So by trying to trap the fish I betrayed my hand to the weaktighty. I don't know how I could have recovered after flop c/c. Leading turn, in retrospect seems good. Valuebetting river also, in retrospect, seems good. However, I'll bear in mind that line when I want to bluff a weaktighty.

This is awesome: