
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


First post

I am in shock, obviously. I just don't understand how things can change so quickly. Tacked on to a "Port Security" bill as well, nh. How will this affect the games? Kill them, no doubt. I mean, there's always Prima...but there are substantially less euro fish than Americans. Besides, everything about Prima sucks so I will quit before I go back to playing on there.

Everything about poker seems muted now. What's the point in discussing strategy and theory when online poker is dead? Makes this blog even more redundant than normal (not that anyone reads it).

Some very nice "Well" threads in SSNL recent. TheBruiser (UMASS, Amherst. Wow.), Aba, cts, and El D.

I've only read the two that I linked. Very interesting though, and highly meaningless now. Aba's winrate before the fall:

He says he's coaching/staking a SSNLer from $50NL -> $2kNL, currently at $400NL. For free. Wow, pick me next! Only, there will be no games...

Um, thinking about poker makes me sick right now. Woke up at 5:30pm after going to bed at 10am. Felt pretty ill. Pissed around a bit, watched Crank. That film is hilarious. Jason is pretty awesome, badguy is okay, Amy Smart is hot, and the action is retarded but stimulating. It's like an extended advert for Red Bull.

So, I will hit the tables up shortly. 4 tables max! Or, um, 6. 2 FT, X party. Hopefully I busto on FT. No, in fact, I'd rather not. My expectation on FT seems to be abysmal so an excuse to stop playing there wouldn't be so bad. Two trout per fucking table might be part of that. Not that I have anyone to blame but myself, really. The KK hand where I put all my money in drawing almost dead was ugly...but I'd play it the same almost every time. Fish raises, solid reraises to isolate, I call to keep the fish in the hand, fish calls with his K5s and flops the second nuts. Against fishes range (TP, maybe middle pairs, any overpair, FDs) c/r all-in is 'correct'. I have great equity against his calling range there. However, obviously, he can be in a reraised pot with any two cards so I will run into sets, two pair, and flopped-fucking-flushes as well. I'm not too concerned about that. What I am concerned with is NEVER winning pots that go past the flop on FT. So, obviously, I'm winning tiny pots and losing anything larger. Which makes you real broke, real fast.