
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Reading some more on the crisis. $4BN wiped off the industry in one fell swoop. So absurd. The Telegraph has a good comment on the situation. Especially:

If it was worried about the immoral effects of the internet it would apply the same act passed on Friday to the porn industry. This act is about protecting the interests of the US horse race betting industry and the health of its state lotteries. It's also about protecting the interests of the Las Vegas gambling giants.

Note, I am not an avid reader of the Torygraph but this is spot on analysis.

Anywho, checked on the status of my dabs.com order (graphics card and VGA extension cables). They haven't even fucking shipped it and I was expecting is tomorrow at the latest (ordered 27th). I told them I was not impressed and would likely be using their competitors in future. Of course that was in email since they have no fucking phone numbers. Of course.

Not that quad-head is essential but it would be fun to try.

I may try playing live. Apparently they spread £1/2PL that's full of weak calling stations.

Just had a reasonably intelligent conversation with J. about the crash. Until this bit. J: "If only you could have forseen that you could have made a killing on the stock..." Me: "Short." J: "See in the futures market it's possible to trade on whether a stock goes up or down...". Okay.

Anyway, colouring on my new monitor was kind of fubared. I RTFM and fixed it. Just cleaned it and noticed some damaged areas on the screen. Bottom-right corner it looks like it's been polished with some abrasive agent. There are also a few more scratches but that's the major area.

Rewatching BSG stonecutter discs. Drive still appears buggered as I cannot reach the end of any disk. BSG is fucking awesome. The tall, dark, and handsome guy from the webisodes is also in 'Litmus' as a deckhand. Six: "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." lol. I love Six. I think I'd probably love Tricia too. </Whimsical> Adama owns too. "Make your choice, son.", as he closes the tribunal/witch hunt.

DAMNIT, can't seek to block 2097152. Fuck.

Meh, far too small to bother downloading and only one with nudity.

Doubla-meh. I really could do with playing poker but the 'best' game on party right now has 3 semi-shortstacks, 1 idiot I have notes that says "called all-in with FD" (I wish I'd noted how high the FD was, IIRC it was pretty low, 7 or 8-high), 1 nit, and an unknown who looks semi-decent. Okay, he's minraising, betting 1/4th pot on the river, and showing Q2o's -- that he limped in OTB -- turned two pair. I take that back he's not even close to decent. Oh, this is bad news. Every table seems to be full of people with less than 50BB.

*Looks at FT*

Tripla? Geez. A good average pot on FT for 1/2NL seems to be anything $40 and over. Compare that to party and it's not close. Well, compare that to how party used to be. Right now they're all $50-something except one with a bunch of SS's where it's $80. My weak tight friend who minraises middle set on a super drawy board is there too. Seems to be up a buyin. I guess he flopped another set and did his minraise thing. Good for him, omg. I am sticking to my plan and practicing at lower stakes on FT. Just had to leave a SSNL table though because it was full of short stacks. I looked down at QJs in the CO, BT and SB had 50BB, BB had 25BB. Fold. Funnily, BT raised and the blinds folded. Oh, I see the standard BS happens at SSNL too. Raise 88 in the SB, BB calls. J26hh. Bet/call. Turn non-heart King. Bet, PSR. OKAY BUDDY. He's repping a HUGE hand, whether or not he had one IDK. I thought it was a good spot to double barrel but I guess not. I am guessing KJ, 22, 66, AKhh, or air. From the way he's been playing since, I'm guessing he had it.

God, fuck off. I call a shorties minraise with AQs. Flop Q67dd giving me TPTK+FD. I try and mash the pot button but *clunk* fucking FT freezes up. Oooh, that was nice. Last hand at 200NL table I get JTs UTG. I debate playing it but decide to. Anyway, I flop overs + FD in family pot (4s5s9d). SWEET. I lead strongly, button smooth calls, and blinds fold. I don't care much what he has calling with on the turn since I make my flush. Hurrah! 3/4 bet, call. River 4th spade. Of course. Of fucking course. I check, as I mostly check with As trying to induce a bluff. This might be a leak since villains won't be bluffing with hands that have showdown value in position. And obviously they have showdown value most of the time if they're calling flop and turn. He shows 44. Nicely played, tardo. I should have probably pushed since he didn't have much left. Or valuebet. VB is a little transparent though, really, so I don't know what value it actually has.

26/7/3 raises UTG, CO fish calls, TAG button calls, I fold AKo in the SB. What? Probably sounds weak as fuck, and it is. but there's method to my nitting. His UTG opening range is small to say the least. Most of the the time it's a coinflip and I will win little more than is in the pot already when I'm ahead and will lose more when the flop comes AJx and he's got JJ. Plus there's the fish who I don't mind playing largish pots OOP with one pair but then there's the TAG OTB. All in all, I think it's marginal either way. I think 3betting there is a terrible mistake.

Anywho, I get QQ in the BB on a SSNL table. There's a 3BB bet out so I 3bet. He 4bets. It looks like it could be minimum raise but whatever, it's a 4bet. Flop is low semi-connected rags with a FD. I check/call, check/call push. At 200NL I probably fold flop unimproved. And probably don't call the 4bet. Unless I have notes that dickhead loves to shove AKo unimproved. I have loads of those notes, believe it or not. Yeah, it sucks having a bluff catching hand but it's good if they bluff often enough. Anywho, he had JJ. lolz, results. I don't know if "hay, I have QQ lets stack off" is something to add to my game or not but it was an interesting experience.

God, there's shortstack bitches at SSNL too. I hate shortstacks. Yes, I'm sure as shit it's +EV for them to play that way whether they're good or bad players. Yes, I'm sure as shit it's annoying because they steal my EV. Die fuckers.

Um, other than that. Small successes. Got minraised on some flops with nothing and gave it up. Check/folded some flops without cbetting. Working on improving my game. The check/folding was going to turn into check/raising with ATC to repeat offenders. I feel that I am playing beter and beginning to 'get' this game.

However, looking at September's numbers, things are pretty dire. I never recovered from the Prima incident and I have broken even. Actually, no. Thinking about it: Prima -$800, Party +$1200, FT +$200ish. Oh wait, that is breakeven. It's also not enough hands.

Someone said on 2p2 that the Prima games are different and you have to check/call more since the fishies fold when you bet but get aggro when shown weakness. Interesting if true. Fishies on Party get aggro when you bet too which is a bonus.

God, I'm going to miss party. Softest games I've found anywhere. People stacking off with nothing routinely. Thank you Bill First for killing my dream.

I might do some SSNL coaching. I feel that teaching is itself a great learning tool. Problem with that is I am not a good orator and the money is not 'much'. I feel I could justify $50/hr but who at SSNL wants to pay that much for a coach. Besides, if I were to teach someone wrong it would be terrible. Maybe as bad as teaching someone correctly given the way things are going.

Goals for the coming month: Really work on my game. Things are going to get a lot tougher and if I want to survive this fall (or, better yet, prosper) I need to be bulletproof solid. That means playing fewer tables and making better decisions. Sure it's cool to crank up as many tables as possible and hit buttons but, honestly, I'm not a strong enough player for that to be profitable. I would like to survive until the Asians and Euros starty pouring in. I would like to survive until the Americans come back. And, above all, I would like to quit my fucking job and fix my fucking life. Thank you.