
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



"Why does my monitor have 1/2/3 faint horizontal lines on it?" It's got wires, coming out...

In other words, I got my 21" Trinitron. 3840x1440 is hot. Seems to be a few marks on the screen but I haven't tried anything more than a spit and a polish to get them out.

2300-0500 pokering. I managed to stay up this time. Seriously, fuck Full Tilt. Absolutely nothing happening there. KK in the SB, raise and a 3bet to me so I smoothcall. Flop monotone diamonds, I check, opener leads $65 for pot, leaving $100 behind. I've been folding everything all night on FT, including JJ on a similar flop. Fuck it, I can beat a lot of his range, call. K5dd. Are you fucking kidding me? The one time the nitwit has a hand it's against me and I have no redraw. For his next tricks he calls all-in with a gutshot and misses. And then he loses the last of it calling all-in with bottom pair.

Plus losing every hand I play on there. It's like I just do not know how to win. I'm tempted to drop down to 50NL and grind out the rest of the bonus and then never playing on there again. But I probably won't. Probably.

Party is a completely different story. Looking relatively robutso there. Sure, I folded incorrectly a few times, but most of my hands were played correctly. Made some draws. Got some action on my sets. Don't recall actually getting action on QQ+ but whatever. Still a decent streak. I am still using tilt blocker but I know it's +4 or so buyins. FT, OTOH, is -2 buyins. One buyin I mentioned. The other I lost QQ to a pair + straight draw for 50BB and every other time I was either winning a tiny pot or losing a medium one.

Oh, fuck. Well, that's the end of that. Time to eat a bullet. Fuck me to tears.

Anyway...MILF? Kate Beckinsale is super hot. A shame most of her films absolutely suck. Underworld was pretty good but other than that...

Damn right, Beyonce shouldn't have won. ALBA!!! Biel, or Longoria. I mean goddamn:

Hot chicks make me forget that online poker died today.