
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Good idea

Reply to: pers-200834521@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-08-30, 4:05PM GMT/BST

Hi further to some helpful advice from a previous posting, I am seeking sex in a hotel suite with a world-famous singer (or any other celebrity) for that matter. I am very interesting, but unfortunately I haven't included a photo of my cock. Please get in touch and thanks.

* this is in or around anywhere, I'm not fussy

I also like the guy who alleges to have never cum from getting a blowjob and is going to give a £50 prize to the girl that can get him to orgasm from one. Thinly veiled indeed.

"THAT'S EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH DOT NET." Plug the Prison Break ARG a little harder, eh? I've never been one to get involved in those things but we'll see. Doesn't look good so far.

Dear god, it took almost 19 hours to cluster my database. Maybe I have no idea how to configure pgsql but that is ridiculous. See, I have no idea if that's a memory bound thing, a cpu bound thing, or I just have a very bad configuration (it's close to default). And now I'm importing 'big' blocks of datamined hands. Looks like I'm going to be flying without stats again tonight if I choose to play.

Not only but also, the Prison Break -lol dvd that I downloaded is broken beyond repair (I have had no luck converting and imaging xvids into DVDs). Big time busto. Redownloading the busto RARs from giganews and hopefully I'll have sufficient par2s to fix anything.

I was also planning on dropping to 50NL to work on my game...a lot. Cero_z has disappointed me rather since he said he would like to schedule another lesson but hasn't done so. Please, sir, can I give you $200? It's not about the money, though really. Also, Nick pissed me off slightly. "Hey, send me an email" so I send him a short email. He comes back with a shorter response asking about my interest in tennis and poker. I reply honestly and he blanks me. OKAY. I suck at social interaction as much as I do the real thing, I guess. Or perhaps it's because I am not a poker god but a low level grinder that he won't speak to me. Whatever. I wasn't expecting to be busom buddies but why be solicitous if you have no intent of following through? Not that I'm upset particularly, more slightly chargrined. He hasn't updated his blog either so perhaps that real life thing is getting in the way? Oh, the humanity.

Um, anyway, tangents aside...work on my game. I shouldn't even be typing this drivel (I am multitasking; downloading porn/downloading uncorrupted rars/waiting for PP to finsh importing), I should be re-reading P. Gordon's LGB. I have re-read NLTAP a few times. Maybe I'll get more out of it this time through. Bottomline: More hands + more aggression = more profit. And when I say more aggression, I do not mean indescriminate aggression. Oh, I have AKo, let's 3bet; let's push. I mean, hmm, I have JTs OTB against someone with a wide opening range who will play predictably in a reraised pot, let's 3bet. Hmm, I have xx in the BB against a raise and two calls. I don't think I can call profitably, let's 3bet because if I don't steal it preflop, my hand may hit the flop hard enough to win at showdown. Hmm, I have xx in the BB against a bunch of limpers, if I check it I will hit no flop, let's steal. Basic, simple, plays that I don't make. Why don't I make them? Because the money matters, sad to say. Which is an awful mindset for a poker player. Chips are tools and I should look to play the best poker...and that will make me the most money. I fold to big bets without big hands. I am still pretty weaktight which means my turn and river play aren't good. This is devasting to a NL player because mistakes on these streets cost the most, and conversely, this is where a good player hopes to make the most. It's all very well to flop something and B3B allin. Yeah, that's 'fun' and easy, however, it's not the be all and end all of poker. I need to be able to read my opponents better. Not just their cards either. For instance, there's a regular on FT who must be 2p2. Playing against a 'fish' QT5r flop (or something). Fish bets his Ten weakly throughout the hand and regular is being aggro and ends up pushing/overbetting on the river. And fish calls and stacks regular's Ace-high. Regular then of course berates the fish but he just got owned, IMO. Fish telegraphed what he had, fish knew that regular knew what he had and regular pushed, so fish had a clear, albeit expensive, call. I mean, if I can play my opponents perfectly like that I could destroy the games.

So, I want to play better on the later streets. If I can't, I might as well buy-in for 50BBs. Which is always an option.

Hmm, so...more thinking. I earn 20PTBB per day, on average working my 9-5. Which is sucky. That's 500 hands at a solid 4PTBB/100. Key there being solid. I need to be 100% solid. I cannot be making calls I know I shouldn't, I cannot be making folds I know I shouldn't. I need to be constantly playing for +EV in every situation.

Anyway, part of all that moving way down to become bulletproof solid was to not only become, well, bulletproof, but to improve my ergonomics. Currently I play however many tables I can fit on my 1920x1440 22" right hand monitor. That's normally 4-6. FT tables, of course, don't resize so are a real pain in the ass. The alternative is to switch to nvidia's twinview and have 3200x1200 across left and right. I need to practice that with 4-6 tables and then add more. I think 6 party tables do fit into 1600x1200 reasonably well. It sucks that I can't have vmware windows running two separate screens at two different resolutions. Meh.

Real life. There are stray kittens near the building at work. Really cute. One had a damaged back leg but guy took it to the vet. Hopefully it will be alright. Another guy fucked up his left hand, quite similar to my injury. However, the way he did it was kind of tame. Snagged the back of it on some shelving. Still, looked nasty. Said he had 4 stitches and nearly had ligament damage. Sounds familiar. He came back into work the next day. Uh, huh. Brown nose much? Whatever, I hope he gets better soon.