
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Back to back

AA back to back, BB and SB. Eh, eh. It holds up both times. Prior to that, however, different fish catches two pair on the river to best my ATo and I pay off his PSB. Very, very meh hands on FT. No one folds to cbets anymore? Even when they have a stat showing that they fold to cbets 75% of the time, they don't fold to my cbets. Either that or they're catching TP+ every fucking time. Which is possible.

Whatever. Played fewer hands, hit one set, of course he had TP -- because what else can anyone hope to flop when I raise? -- and he turned trips. All over. Different hand, I feel compelled to call UTG's $10 raise with 55 from the BB. I know from his slightly bigger open and smallish flop bet on an Ace-high flop that he has TT-KK. I know exactly what he has. I know he's scared of the Ace and yet I just check/fold. This is the kind of crap I was talking about. I think a check/raise or call/lead can get him to fold. Maybe. One of the reasons I decided not to run a bluff was his super high aggression factor. I doubt he folds without a fight. A costly fight. I won a pot off my 3 outer fish when he raised UTG with T9o and there were 5 to the flop. My A4s wins at SD after no further bets go in. Next best hand was 87s.

Ordered a pci card and a couple of these. Building a hydra (21", 22", 19", & 19"), need a new desk.

If I want to make a tetris 'T' shape (.:.), I'll have to make alterations. I have a wall bracket that houses a 14" TV that I have never used. Would need to reposition it but I have a friend who's a joiner so...I'd also have to get a side table for the right most monitor. Or I just get a better desk. Maybe a Gallant. Jerker's are standard, and cheaper. OR I get my joiner friend to knock up a corner desk for considerably less. I think the last option is best. It'll fit perfectly into the corner, give me a shit load of desk top space. I probably will just make do for now.

Um, don't know how useful a 4-head system would be, either, but it's worth testing. Of course, xinerama is no goot for 3d stuff so...