
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Generic error

Well, now I know why people in the know avoid generic RAM like the plague. Got stick today (sweet!), can't even post with it (sucky!). Could have been worse, could have killed my system. RMA'd. Ordered a Crucial 1GB stick.

Tried exercise 3 ("no calling"). It...was too rigid. Not being able to call really fucked things up and got me stacked. E.g. I raise QQ, J23r flop. I cbet, guy who's been pretty innocuous c/raises me. Hmmm. Well, if I raise now (i.e. push) WHFBHC but my hand is too good to fold. Well, this is dumb. I push, he finally calls with KK. Of course, smothcalling with KK pf happens to be perfect play against my style right there. I mean, of course. Anyway, my point was that both folding and raising were terrible options there. So maybe I learnt that from the exercise...

A few more situations cropped up. 22 pf, raise, get 3bet, and since I can't call...I fold. JJ pf, ton of limps, a raise, and I prefer to play Jacks for set value in what will be a large multiway flop OOP if I call there. But, no, I have to raise or fold. So...I choose fold. Far too rigid a construct but it was informative. E.g. I raise AJ, cbet nothing flop, guy puts in a small raise in position, I think he's full of shit and 3bet the flop with AJ-high. My read is right and he folds.

These aggro-aggro exercises are interesting. I wouldn't say I've got it but I think I'm beginning to see something. Need more practice, though.

Um, need to add that I reclocked my CPU to 3200+ (200x11) after cleaning out the heatsink/fan. Hopefully it will stay cool enough. I think one of the blackouts reset my BIOS config and my processor was well underclocked (like 100x11).