
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.




UM. Played poker today. FUNFUN. Blind battle with QQ. SB was (40/20/3) and 4bet me. I push and he has AA obviously. I love play pokah. Thinking about the QQxx hand again. Think pot, pot, push is fine. I don't see how I can check/fold on the river. Or check/call. And if I check, he probably checks behind bottom set. And I noticed that according to my stats I was playing 5/5 or someshit. Uh, that's what happens when you get dealt random offsuit junk EVERY fucking hand (Q2oUTGALLIN). Trying to not cbet obvious flops where I'm going to get unwanted action.

Finally got first session later on today (need to grab some sleep first). It will be interesting if he can actually teach me to be a winning player. I thought I might have been on to something after Christmas but it doesn't look like it at all now. Downside, I have to play poker and talk poker for 2 hours. And I hate poker. Nth time: WHY CANT I PLAY ZELDA/QUAKE/SOMETHINGNOTSHIT for money online?

Yeah, yeah, my attitude has gone to shit again; it's not a game, it's an extended test of analytical ability with random elements. In other words, about as fun as eating glass.

Looking more at my Hackintosh, and I'm definitely going to try to install OSX. Also, might go for 2GB ram at initial build with another 2GB added later. And I'm also thinking about going the Duo (darkside) route...