
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Watts up?

Power consumption from computer's and periphery is way lower than I expected: ~340-360W. Each monitor is a huge ~100W. That's the good news. The bad news...electric heater is 1.5kW! Ugh, 'oops'. Unplugged instantly and now I'm cold. It's all swings and roundabouts, though, because now I have to increase my gas consumption on the heating. Given I'm now paying for both electricity and gas, I'm not sure which is the more economical option. Given I was using about ~£60 per month with the heater, I think it's safe to say that it's probably gas.

I'm slightly pissed because I hadn't intended to do this bullshit right now. I was going to play some poker as per normal but I got 5 seconds notice that he was fitting a meter today. So no poker tonight :(

And just to go back to that flushdraw vs. flushdraw hand. To take the EV (0.83) isn't really helpful because, frankly, villain never is calling with a lower flush draw there. Yes, he did that time but 99/100 times at least, he doesn't. And the one time he did, I lost anyway. Which brings me back to the "EV is a fantasy" argument. I'm not entirely sure I believe my own argument...but then I'm not entirely sure I don't.

Like I've said before, I don't know that it matters if I make +EV plays or -EV ones. Both seem to lose so whatever equity I may have had...collapses to 0. Oops, there goes another buyin. Yeah, yeah, sample size. I play ~20k hands a month. It's not a 'lot' by some standards but it's not entirely trivial, either. I just never seem to realise the equity like other players do. I'm not whinging particularly I would just like to know why so I can start making thousands. Is that too much to ask? :)

Hmm... Maybe I need to start downloading less mp4's and more dvds? Jesus, almost filled a 284GB drive. Oh yeah, October was a quite month...Dec/Jan I've been really busy.