
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Bird flu

Fird blu, par cark, sock cucker. Spoonerisms++

As luck would have it, I get sick in time for the weekend. Excellent. Feel fine all week and like shit on Friday morning. 3 days coming, 3 days here, 3 days going. The 'here' portion falls on the worst possible days of the week. Obviously.

Satellite hacking came up in conversation today. I've looked and it seems there is no public Sky digital hack, at least not on alt.satellite.tv.crypt. It's funny since I know Maxx claimed to have hacked satellite in Cana-duh and that it was pretty common there. Whether it still is or not now that DirectTV (?) have moved to digital is unknown, especially since I haven't talked to Maxx in years. I imagine he gets most of his media through the internet now, especially with his faster connection. 2mbps is a joke really. Roll on the wifi dirigibles!

It struck me after looking at PT: What the fuck am I trying to accomplish playing 17/15 at .5/1? Am I learning anything? Not really. Am I making money? Well, not really. Even 5BB is only $100 per 1k hands, and I'm only running at 3BB. I am stealing 30% of the time OTB, which is good. I have it on good authority that lolo plays 40% of his hands OTB, so maybe I should raise more. Preflop things: Get a range, stick to it. No "oh, I raised x & y, so I'll fold z this time." Fuck that, raise z too. That, and playing at tables with shortstacks has taken my numbers below where I want them to be. 20/20 is LAGY TAG. Even 18% VPIP would be better, and if my PFR is only 1% lower than my VPIP, that would be better still.

So things:

  • Select tables with fewer shortstacks. Or, select tables with tighter shortstacks.
  • Raise more. 3bet more. Those two combined kill downies implied odds calling OOP with terribly weak hands (e.g. SC UTG, 3bet, pair + gutshot).
  • Stop folding AK/AQ preflop because it's the easy option.
  • Squeeze where possible (i.e. where there's a raise and a call). This really kills implied odds because the original raiser cannot call with speculative hands (PPs & SCs) unless you're both deep. It also can tilt the original raiser and get you action later. E.g. I had a good run of cards and 3bet a lot (although, some where light, IIRC), I finally get AA and a guy whom I had 3bet a lot calls my turn push on a x555board with A4s. Quite why he did that is a mystery. Even if I am 3betting 'light' I may have an overpair like 88 (although, I wouldn't think it was good), and even if I am bluffing I probably have a better Ace than A4.
  • Start loose, tighten up. This really doesn't mean adjusting my range, just get overaggressive in the beginning and then fall back to plain old aggressive. 3betting light and squeezing helps establish a loose image.
  • The trick, as far as I can see, is to appear much looser than you actually are. This is done by betting/raising a lot on the cheap streets (preflop/flop, sometimes turn/river if pot is small), and conservatively on the expensive ones. This is a key point that I have missed. The most prevalent error in HE is calling too much, and if I am bluffing large to moderate amounts, than this weakness actually becomes a strength. So yeah, let the fish call the small bets too much, and I'll save the big bets for value. Against people who are actually capable of folding, I can and should occasionally make a bigger bet as a bluff. If they only have to ever call one small bet to get to showdown, they'll always call. If they have the spectre of future bets, they may not. Also, I think of the two big bluffs I've made, the second one was good. 9xxA9 board. I called on the flop in position since it's highly unlikely he hit the raggedy, 9-high flop with his UTG range. I abort the float when the Ace falls because, hey, guess what, that just connected with his range. So I check behind. Second 9 falls on the river, and he block/valuebets his Ace. So I raise. And he calls, which is pretty fucking terrible but, incidentally, the perfect play against my exact hand because I'm only representing a 9 and am only bluffing. But really he is only beating a total bluff since the flop was dry so I can't be bluffing a missed draw. But, w/e, I stand by the play: He's a player capable of folding an Ace, and I played it exactly like I hit trips. I am sure he told himself, "Oh, well, I have AK so I'll call but I would fold Ax". Sure, buddy.

Blue balls: Sophie's Silverstone forest hardcore won't be available until tomorrow. Sure, I've seen it, but this is probably better quality. As I recall, she's only done maybe 5 hardcore scenes with guys and now only does girls. Grr. Whether that's her sexual preference or vocational one, I don't know, but it's a trend amongst pornstars that I don't like much. Lesbian porn just doesn't do it for me.

Plan for today: Play a short session (try and hit points on that list), shower, maybe watch something and eat, sleep. Or shower, sleep, then stay up late. Exciting times.