
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Flopped the nut flush (well, at least I hope I did, for some reason I now think I had AJ of Spades on a diamond flop. I fucking hope not), board pairs on the turn, villain checks quads, and I push into him. I miss my one outer. UM. Not happy with how I played it. New rule: Flopped flush equals push. It looks weak as hell, and he's certainly calling with middle set. Provided I did indeed flop a flush, er, pushing the turn isn't terrible...since if villain is using 2nd level thinking, it looks like I want a fold from his one pair hand. Of course, he has a zero level decision with the nuts. And if he's only thinking on the 1st level, I'm folding all weaker hands. If the turn had paired the top card, I like mine line more. As played, I think I should check turn, and push river if checked too. If he bets river small, call, if he bets big, fold. But, me push was partly to protect me from myself, I knew I shouldn't call a big bet on the river so I pre-empted it. Highly sub-optimal.

Think I'll build E6600 system and list it on ebay. If I can sell it for a profit, then I'll do it a few times. If I can't...well, I keep the system. The trouble is, ebay seems saturated with systems that offer warranties and are probably better priced. Although, there was this one. Looks dodgy as hell, 39 feedback...allegedly one purchase by a guy with 10 feedback. And it's well overpriced. But I was thinking, added value: OSX86 'ready', overclocked. I mean, I can't provide a warranty so why not void it? The buyer will still get manufacture warranties on everything except the processor. Worth a try, anyway.

Checked PT, yes, I flopped a flush. Phew. My VPIP/PFR is not high enough. It's 17/15, and it should be ideally, 20/18. Maybe 18/17. Whatever, higher. This means raising more in LP.