
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


The Eighties

So, we got a little snow. And by a little, I mean maybe 4-6cm maximum locally. This being Britain, however, that's enough to paralyse the country. Unfortunately not quite sufficient for me to blag a snow day.

I checked and CT averages 50-something inches annually, 11.3" in February alone. And it's considerably colder, -3C today there versus 4C here. Pretty hard for me not to laugh at these Brits antics.

Played some poker. Uh, didn't tilt. Guy kept 3betting me so I tried to put a move on him. Called with A5s OTB, called his flop bet on KKQhh, intending to push the turn. Thought about pushing the flop but that looks fishy. Only problem is he didn't check but pushed. Balls, so much for that move...Other than that, solid, by the numbers play. The Omaha-Hi was a bit of a downer, kept raising and missing every flop with EVERY pair/run/flushdraw. Did win two hands, both pretty marginal. Top and middle pair against a shortstacks shove. He had top and bottom pair. KKxx, called down minbets with just an overpair and it was good.

Holdem: Doubled up through AA. Unknown blind calls. 455dd, c/minraised. Uh, this looks familiar. 3bet...fold to a push. Hmm, no, actually, I don't feel it. A4s (no FD) no goot. AKo, K57hh flop OOP. Bet the turn (8s, backdoor spade draw), c/c the river (2s or some spade). TPTK good for 50BB pot. He didn't even have a heart draw, just 65. Keep callin, keep callin. Misplayed a set OOP. Meant to bet the flop, took too long and checked. Flush hit the turn, check/check. Can nay bet the river, Captain. He only had A8, TP8K, not too much value lost. Made a move that did work. Bluff raised the turn against over-aggro guy after floating him on the flop after he bet into me. Board was J352r or somesuch. Yeah, dude, I hit my wheel draw. NOT. 77 FTW. And that was the end of that chapter. I lament the move I tried making with A5s. Or, rather, I regret that it didn't effing work. I guess he had KK/QQ that time and not AK. Or maybe he had AK/AA with the NFD but I doubt that somewhat. Since he shoved into me on the turn, I am glad I didn't raise the flop. Guess I need to start believing people when they 3bet.

Watched one guy 40/30 get it all-in with Aces pf twice. Good for you, you lucky fuck. Yeah, he plays super-laggy but I think he's a regular. If he is, it's no wonder he hasn't progressed beyond 100NL. You just can't play that style profitably unless your opponents are truly terrible. And while I'm sure he is profitable at 100NL, he should do himself a favour and tighten up...and then move up. But, whatever, his game is not my concern.

Today I played better. Not impressed with my move so much. I figured KQQhh flop would be super scary but: He either had KK/QQ/AQ/KQ, or a ninja-read. Ehm, yeah, and like I said, otherwise quite solid. And my overpair wasn't actually outflopped one time...And I made no big bluff against a station.

Things are looking up. Maybe.