
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Brown cow

How now? Played...better. Mis...thought my hand in HA(A) though. x96x7r board and I think 58xx is the nuts. I go totally broke against the actual nuts. Er. Dumbo.

HE: Better, less payoff wizardy. Made a nice call with KK against overaggro fish. Of course, he has 2 outs on for a full 4.5% equity. Or is that 99.45%? I honestly can't tell based on results with overpairs. But: I folded overpairs again and again. Except, 8J4. Guy calls my bet with AA. Queen on the turn, not the best card. I check, he bets high % of pot. Fuckit, all-in even though...yeah, QJ, what a surprise. Zzz. It would have been a much better situation for me if the Queen was on the flop and the Jack on the turn but, of course, that's not likely.

C/C 3bet with KK OOP for value. Beautiful QJT. SWEET, check. He checks behind. Club rag on the turn, I have no FD, check/fold. Yeah, yeah, you just ownt me with 32s of spades. Whatever.

And yet...I am not really super stressed. Guy hit two outer: Meh. Guy turned two pair v. my overpair: Happy birthday, fagwit.

Maybe I'm beginning to like losing (I mean, accumulating Sklansky bucks). Need to run a few things past Kyle.