
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Don't bluff idiots

Trouble is, every fucking one I play against is either an idiot (or a genius, I guess). I mean: 9xxr flop, guy raises UTG and cbets it. Okay, you probably have Ace-high, I will float you. A on the turn. He checks, I think, okay, time to abort the float since you most likely have top pair, so I check behind. 9 on the river. He bets, I think a little and raise. He uses most of his time bank and calls with AK. OKAY. You may as well be calling with A2s there, it holds the same value as a bluff catcher.

AND THEN. Whatever. Qxxr, MP raises, I call. He checks flop, I bet with nothing, he c/r. I feel like 3betting because well, he likely has NOTHING. Maybe a PP which he can't call with.

I try a donk line at a HA table (game was A): Donk pot flop with FH. Check turn. Donk pot river. This line has been owning me and it owned this guy too.

QQ: Ace magnets. Call 3bet, xAx. SB checks, I check. Small bet on the turn...meh, I call. River half-pot. Are you valuebetting or bluffing with what looks like a valuebet? STATS WOULD BE NICE. Meh, the latter, AQs. Later I flop quad bitches 3 handed and they both fold.

Thinking about it: I call too much with bluff catching hands. Maybe I need to 3bet a lot more. Right now I am almost justifying their implied odds. I mean there is no way opening 67s UTG and calling a 3bet OOP, then calling again with a pair + gutshot should be profitable. And it's not (unless they get there every time *whine*) but it's even less profitable if I can't call his river bet because I have nothing. And, yeah, I am 3betting light but I guess I need to do it more. In fact, I guess I need to do it at every available opportunity to 'get' these bastards.

I need to make more bets and less calls. And bluff with made hands for value. I mean, these monkeys are calling all my bluffs so I may as well bet for value. I've said this before, and I do mean it, but no one calls those bets so far. Although, today I did get it in with QQ v. AJo for 50BB when he called on an 89x. He had the Ace of hearts. Of course, the turn and river gave him a runner-runner straight. I mean, obviously. Ahead, behind, it's all money down the drain.