
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Tight is right

Today I played much tighter and ran...better. Still the same old BS: 3bet 74s against solidish guy who had just 3bet me OTB on another table. I had KQo so folded. I think that's what I had. He snap calls. 478dd flop. I wanna go all-in. I make my standard bet. He calls...FUCKING 6 of FUCKING diamonds on the turn. I check, he pushes. FUCK SAKE. I beat nothing (well, overpair with a diamond). I doubt he pushes a set there. I mean, seriously, WTF is he doing? Yeah, he might be bluffing with a pair+FD but why not just raise the flop? Maybe he had TT-QQ with a diamond and wasn't confident in his pair but figured he could get me to fold often enough with just his FD.

And even though I had tightened up considerably, everyone decided that they needed to 3bet me. Well, that was the reason I tightened up...and yet, even after I had they continued. Fucking cocksuckers. Didn't see a flop with AA/KK which suits me. Means I can't lose another buyin. In fact, since I get no value from worse hands (those worse hands win. always.) I much prefer if people just fold. It's kind of a sad attitude but that's my experience.