
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


I wonder what they do if you raise

You're right, Taylor, they just call anyway. Dumped two buyins with KK and 79s. First hand, I 3bet J8s on the button, flop a flush. He bets, I PSR, he calls. Turn, 4th flush card. FUCKSAKE. He minbets, I call. He minbets river, I call. QQ with Queen of Hearts, yeah, well done. Time passes. I 3bet KK, he calls OOP with A8s. He check/minraises flop 88x. UH. I call, he checks turn. I decide I can't let fear of an eight/FH freeze me, and push (slightly over pot). Goodbye buyin.

79s, flopped a flush, he minbets, I raise, he, of course, calls. Turn gives me an OESD too. He minbets, I raise...he calls. River misses, he minbets...I shove, he calls with QJ (TPMK). If I could go back, I wouldn't shove but I didn't expect him to call with only a just a pair of Jacks and a crappy kicker.

So...I tried playing for value...and made NO hands. I'm not talking about no sets/2pair, I'm talking about NO PAIRS. Draws, meh, I stopped trying to play draws aggressively against him. I had AA but it didn't get cracked because guy didn't call and the other guy folded to my cbet. QQ saw a million flops with a million overcards. I 3bet the guy with AK. 998cc flop, I bet, he raises. Well, I'm sure I have fold equity. NOT.

Oh yeah, I got QQ on another table. Shortstack 3bets me...I call and intend to get it all in IF I CAN FIND A FLOP WITHOUT AN ACE OR A KING. He checks, I bet, he c/r...I have no idea how I can ever be good on a Ten-high flop but maybe he has JJ/AT. I call and he has AK. King on the turn, of course.

Oh, I forgot another hand. I raised AJo. Limpy guy who I've tripled up calls. Flop misses me so I check behind. Turn brings the flush and he minbets (obv.) I pot raise with my NFD. He calls. River is a 9. He minbets and I have Ace-high. I know I can't bluff this guy; any pair and he'll call. So I look him up for future information. A9o...OKAY. You are so fucking genius.

I've been clapping a lot of the great plays that people make against me. Today my hands are really sore.

3bet 67s on a resteal. Flopped the idiot end of an OESD on FD flop. I make my standard cbet, guy raises. OKAY, thanks!

Penultimate hand of the session after I am probably down 3 buyins and I STACK SOMEONE. Fucking christ. Raise A7s and FINALLY hit a flop: T95hh or some crap. I .75 pot, he calls. Turn misses but I figure I will keep firing and CHECK/FOLD the river in position if I miss. Yes, that's right, I am not bluffing the river because no one is folding today. He calls. River is the King of Hearts. I .66 pot, he check/minraises me. I push, he pretty much has to call with...*DRUMROLL* AKo. Yes, that's right, NO PAIR, NO DRAW LET'S SEE THE RIVER! Oh, it completes the obvious draw, buy hey, I just sucked out on JJ/QQ (HAHA!) let's raise...

Fucking cuntrag, bastard, shithead. Thanks for paying me off, come again.

So what did I learn today? Uh, LAG is totally unnecessary at these levels. They will call with any two at any time. Maybe it's the image I cultivated...yeah, except the guy I tripled was giving everyone action (and, consequently, all my money).

Oh, I can't forget one hand: I raise QQ, Kxxdd flop. I bet, guy calls. I check turn, he checks turn. I have no idea what to do here OOP on the river. FD missed but I have second pair. I check, he pots...I call. K7s (no FD). Great. I think I played this badly. IDK, and at this point I don't know that I care either.

This is why I don't think I'll be able to make my quota of hands/hours. I just don't enjoy poker that much. Yes, winning is fun...but I don't enjoy poker that much because I don't win. Let's see, ways I could have lost less (not won, oh no, not that) would be: Fold/pot control KK in a 3bet pot against some I know cannot fold 99+ on a 8-high flop. Yes, the c/minraise is nasty which is why I didn't push the flop. When he checked the turn, however...it's pretty much a green light against a calling station. And then I could have saved myself more by not bluffing the river. That would have saved 60BB or so. I can console myself with "Oh, he has a hard time calling with just a Jack there given how aggressively you played FT&R" but he doesn't. He calls because he has top pair, and top pair is a very good hand. The QQ call kind of bothers me but I can't see how blocking the river is good. And I don't see check/folding given the whiffed draw. Maybe all plays are bad and c/c is the least -EV?

I don't know, I don't even much care. This is the kind of crap I am used to playing tight, why on earth would it be any different if I increase my aggression (pre and post flop)? Except now I have to bluff more which means I lose money even faster. Excellent, I am so glad I've switched styles.

NEW RULE: No bluffs over 50BB for now. Any bet greater than that and I have to have a hand (even if it's just an OESFD). I am checking behind whiffed draws even with high-card 9 because, well, they aren't folding second pair.