
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Fuck you. So much for making 10+hrs a week. It's doubly annoying because had I known that it was scheduled for today, I would have gone and done my wifi helping after work instead of later in the evening.

Eh, did it. Networking was easy. Configuring printer/file sharing was a bit of a pain. Using XP home was intolerable. 2.8GHz, 256MB ram, and chock full of crap. Or...was it? Yes, there were a lot of processes in the task list...but not that many unidentifiable ones and none using cpu/ram. The notebook seemed cool. I was highly impressed with the screen (15", looked like 1600x1200). Performance no doubt makes my iBook look like shit. For now. I'm sure it will be chock full of malware in no time thanks to MS engineering.

Thinking of getting a case this month. Antec Nine Hundred or Coolermaster Centurion 532. They're similar in price but I think I'm leaning towards the Antec. Simply because of the stupid amount of cooling it offers and the fact that I want to eventually OC an E6600. If it really roars I might have to return it. I'm not really impressed by the other Coolermasters (e.g. Mystique) or Thermaltakes (Shark is about the only one I like). I think for <£100 there are only the Nine Hundred, Centurion, & Shark to consider.

Freed some space: sc3 unrar e ~usenet/TNG_1_7.part001.rar && echo 0 > ~usenet/TNG_1_7.* Can't delete them just yet or the freaking nzbq will reget the files. Just finished watching disc two. It's amazing just how much like TOS it was. I was going to watch the next episode as well but, of course, the .nzb was created in reverse order. I forced disks 1 & 2 and have 4-7. Disk 3 is inches from being done but not quite.

Hmm, just read a review of the Thermaltake Tsunami. Maybe I shouldn't write that off either. Decisions, decisions...