
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Cracking good show

Hey, hey, hey! I 'trap' with QQ (great idea), flop comes Ten-high, I payoff TT. Could have folded the river. KK. I 3bet, guy calls with 78s. 7-high flop and he has to call because a pair of sevens is close to the nuts in a 3bet pot. He turns two pair, and I try to squeeze a thin valuebet with KK as TT did to me on the river when the board is 4 to a straight. CAN THEY EVER CALL AND NOT GET THERE? ONE TIME. AKs Guy limps UTG, I raise OTB. KcJcT. Not the greatest of flops but okay. UTG check/calls. Turn is a low heart giving me a flushdraw. I check behind because something smells rotten. King on the river. He valuebets. OMFG. AQ...well done. AKs I 3bet UTGs open, he 4bets...I laugh and fold. I'm sure this time he doesn't have AA/KK but w/e. AKo Shortstack limps, I raise, KK5 flop. He check/calls. Jack on the turn. OH FOR FUCKSAKE. Why is that never a 2? Great, check behind. Ten on the river, he bets close to pot. OMFG. I don't beat KJ and KT...and a highly optimistic AQ. Why can't we go all-in on the flop you fucktard shortstack? You have a King, why not get it in? FUCKER. I call, KJ goot. 44 I finally flop a set. 3d45d. GREAT FLOP. I bet into...a few people, BTN calls. Turn is 8d. GREAT TURN. I bet/fold to his push. I mean, it's conceivable that I'm getting semi-bluffed off the best hand but I don't expect him to be that tricky.J5 BB special flops top two, I bet, limped AJo pots obviously. I call, I check thinking I'll raise it all-in. He bets...I abort and call thinking he likely only has a FD. Ace on the river. I check/call whiffed FD...only I totally misread his hand. I mean, TPTK in a limped pot should have been so obvious. 55 I check/raise turn all-in with a set, no call. Obviously, no call when MHIG.

Get AA and KK all-in pf twice. Against the other AA and the other KK. GREAT. One good hand: Complete 55 from the BB. Flop is Q45r. I pot, BB raises, limper calls. WTF? OH WELL, push. BB calls with Q4, limper shows 45. ONE TIME...YES. No Queen, no runner-runner quads. WOOT.

Oh, another good hand: I raise 33, flop is AJh3h. I bet, two shortstacks go all-in with AJ. HA!