
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



"sigh" should be my default title: Raise A7s (OMG, how dare I?) more callers than I would like to the flop. 5T9 flop, I bet, 20/17 guy raises 3x, two folds, and back to me. Well, I have the NFD, an over, and runner-runner straight draws. Gamble. 55 is goot, obviously. I could have probably folded since I NEVER GET THERE when I push and he's raising with people to act behind. OH WELLS.

AA in the BB. Raise, call, and I over pot. Two calls, great. Flop is x89 OBV. I bet 30BB into 40, slightly too high. Fish calls, 'TAG' regular minraises. YOU FUCKING CUNTRAG, you're seriously calling without the correct implied odds with 88/99? FUCK YOU. I fold, fish calls. The get it all in on turn, regular idiot has 88, fish has QJs (no FD). YOU FUCKING CUNTS.

I win a buyin (miracle) off a nit in a blind battle: I have AA in the BB, SB raises, I repot, he calls. Flop is xQT. I bet my regular cbet, he calls. He bets the non-draw turn smallish, I push, he calls with 99. WTF? Thanks but...? I can understand everything up until the turn call. Well, at least I am getting some value from these idiots some of the time.

KQo OOP, 76Qr flop, I bet, call. Turn is a 3, I bet, call. River is a Ten. I check...fold. I really thought he was calling with an OESD (because these guys never fold draws with position)...and it just got there. Maybe I should have blocked.

Omaha: I flop NFD+TPTK 3handed after calling EP raise. He pots, I think about it and only call, blind calls. Board is 9J7K on the turn. EP checks, I bet 2/3rd pot, blind raises me all-in. I double check, yes, nuts, call. QTxx misses the 9 of hearts one time.

I think I should play more PLO. This holdem crap pisses me off. AK...oh, I flop A-K high and a shortstack pushes, FANDIDDLYTASTIC. After my double up thanks to idiots 99, I pick up 99 OTB. We're shorthanded and UTG raises, I call. Blind 3bets. Now, unlike these other morons, I don't call with insufficient pot odds. It was 9BB to call, he has less than 90BB left. OH, I have a pair and pairs can make sets, let's call! I can't get over that other guy: He's calling 12BB pf with 100BB stack...just because the fish called. WELL DONE. Yes, I'm sure you'll stack both of us because I'm an idiot and will go broke with an overpair 3 ways. FUCKING CUNT. Time and time again bad play is rewarded. Not only did the idiot cost me ~40BB finding out my overpair was no good, he cost me the money I would have won if he had FUCKING FOLDED.

OTOH, there was a raise, I call with JJ, and blind 3bets. PFR calls, I call. Why? Because JJ can be played for more than just set value. Although, in all honesty, I should have probably folded PF. Or 3bet PF. If I 3bet PF, I'm getting called by better hands, for sure, but at least I get to see a fucking flop once in a while.

OH, I do tell a lie: Bad play is not rewarded when it is my own. The NFD push for example. Is he raising a SC? HELL NO, not when I push he's not. Oh well, "Time to get there" AHAHAHAH.

Oh, and my own flopped monsters: Well, I didn't hit one but no doubt if I did, everyone would have folded.

I would like to play ~30hours (+/-10) next week. I doubt I'll make this quota because I hate poker. I. Hate. Poker.

Good is bad, bad is good, fish is lemon. Fnord. Fuck poker.

Oh yeah, and I think I'm firing my coach. Why? Because I asked him to set up a session over a week ago and he hasn't. If I'm prepared to pay for your help and you still can't be bothered: FUCK YOU. We've had 3 hours since...December 22. That is fucking ridiculous. Part of it is on me, most of it is on him. He has a service. I want to pay for it but he can't be bothered. So fuck him.